User posts Mikhail Luzyanin
21 March 2017 11:25
Скажите, пожалуйста, как сделать, чтобы дым шел из определенного места? Например в плоскости в одном направлении. У меня почему-то сразу из двух мест одновременно.Частички выстреливаются непосредственно из фэйсов объекта, а у вас их 6, и два направленны в разные стороны. Удалите ненужные фейсы и оставьте один.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
20 March 2017 12:00
How to add a watermark in simple turntable scene exported as .html by using either Blender or directly coding in .html?You can create a simple transparent plane then place it directly in fron of the camera and parent it to it. You also may set Render Above All checkbox in watermark material so it will be rendered above all.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
20 March 2017 11:54
I want to understand how I can add animated zoom feature?You mean you want to change FOV of the camera or just move toyr camera closely to the object, becous I know that zooming in most games it's changing of camera FOV and it's can't be done using Logic Node System at this moment. To implement this you will need to write a conde. Here you can read about changing camera FOV, also the Diary Plant application uses this feature at the begining.
actuallly, I have created a simple 360 rotation , I turned on the logic node editor, then I added play animation node with loop. what can I do to add zooming effect after rotaion?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
16 March 2017 12:09
Извиняюсь, что отвлек. Вопрос 1 решился только нодовыми материалами.Собственно, да, сделать сложный многослойный материал без нодовых материалов сейчас невозможно, извините за запоздалый ответ.) Пример таких материалов поверхности земли/травы можно найти в приложении ферма (в платной СДК) или Сказ о Пятигоре (в бесплатной СДК).
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
06 March 2017 19:10
yes, exactly.The fist and easiest way it's jsut to keep bright of each material at the same level and turn of the shadeless option on them, set cast/recieve shadows on each object and control amount of lighing by intensity of lights.
Or you can add additional Material node into your material and get from it only shdaow and add it to your current material, but it will dificult to keep all material at the same light level using this method. I made for you an example based on your blend file.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
06 March 2017 18:48
I have an object with specific material. how can I apply the uniform and soft lights or shadows on it so that I can keep the same light when I want to rotate it in 360 grades and have a bright color?You mean that you want to keep level of lighting of the material at the current level but add a dynamic shadows on it?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
06 March 2017 12:36
Because of differense in vector directions in blender and blend4web you need to use Vector View special node like here:
You can read about it here.
Or you need to set special chechbox World Space Shading and then use node Vector Transform instead of Vector View node.
You can read about it here.
Or you need to set special chechbox World Space Shading and then use node Vector Transform instead of Vector View node.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
01 March 2017 16:19
Hi,Hi, the limits for iOS is less than 38 bones per armature, but you have about 40.You need to descrease the amount of the bones to see it on any iOS device. Unfortunaly it's the limitation of the iOS not the engine. You also need to bake this animation using Blender Animation Baker to see animation in the engine.
is there any solution or this problems (in particular the bones animation on iOS)?
Only i have this problems on iOS?
I tried last Blend4Web plugin 17.0.2 but the problems there are still!
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
27 February 2017 10:53
22 February 2017 16:14