User posts Mikhail Luzyanin
23 March 2017 16:51
Thank you for reply, good to know it's already in your ToDo List ! Do you share your ToDo List somewhere for seing it before submitting other suggestions (who are already in the ToDo list) ?Usually we share our plans of the future development with community on our Blend4Web conference which will be held in 6th May of this year, so just wait for a month
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
23 March 2017 14:35
Добрый день, можно воспользоваться простым Hair и разместить шары/ядра повертексно. Прилагаю пример. canon_with_balls.blend
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
23 March 2017 14:25
23 March 2017 14:22
Hello,It's a good feature but unfortunaly a special node can't help because only one Camera (that choosen as active) will be exported to the JSON file. So you can have only one camera in one scene. For you I just can recommend to place an empty points in the scene where you want to place your camera and use Move Camera or Move object to move your Camera from current place to any of this points.
i have some cameras in my scene and sometimes it could be great to switch camera to make one of them active in a NodesTree.
Thank you Blend4Web Team if you could add this feature ;-)
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
23 March 2017 14:19
Hi everyone,Hi, we already have a request about this feature, so it's in our TODO list, thanks for suggestion.
I had a thought that the hide and show node functions could be extended to allow you to add multiple objects to the single node, similar to the way we add extra switches in the select switch node.
I've just been doing a project with lots of objects that all need to be shown and hidden at the same time and it would really tidy up the logic tree to be able to call multiple objects on the same node.
Just a suggestion
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
23 March 2017 14:01
However with the Cyclic Emission activated, as soon as the scene is executed the emission is already started. Like I was in the middle of the cycle.Yes, because Cyclic Emittion can't have any start and end, because it Cycled to itselve and haven't any seams between it's first frame and last. So you can star Cycled Emittion Particle System you can only activate it's movement.
I would click on the button to trigger the particle emission from zero and then I wanted it to continue cyclically.You can create two particle system one will be Cyclic anothe will be not Cyclic. When you click on the button first you will start not Cyclic Particle System and then (few frames later) unhide Cyclic Particle System like it was one flow.
I do not know if I was clear because my English is not good.Me too, but I understand you well enough.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
22 March 2017 18:35
I have created dynamic shadow by parenting the light source (hemi) to the camera, in adittion, I have a spot light on top that is not parented and make some part of shadow lighter. I need to chande the shadow effect. How can I have a shadow in gradient ?! in the way that shadow starts from dark shadow and disappear gradually in the atmosphere? (here I have the opposite effect)Hi, You can't control a shadow dyrectly, but for your scene you can create a simple plane with the transparent boarder that will discrease influence of the shadow. Here's an example for you. shadow_example.blend
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
22 March 2017 18:08
Here is the file with an example of the particle system that I am intending to control and which is presenting a big delay between repetitions.The number of particles for cyclic emittion is 16000 particles for particles system, you need to descrease amount of particles in your particles system, but we fix this limitation in our next release.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
22 March 2017 12:40
как для разных типов камер создать разные ограничители без кодаписания? сейчас, создав ограничители для камеры, то переместив камеру и поменяв ее вид на eye , она использует теже ограничители что и для таргет камеры и не смотрит вниз.Сейчас, к сожалению, без "кодописания" это невозможно.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
21 March 2017 15:48
I found that the animation even repeats itself, however with a very long time of delay between each repetition.Hi, can you attache the blend file with that particle system?
The strange thing is that the particle effect animation takes up all the time of the timeline, with no "empty" space. I do not know why this happens.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.