User posts Mikhail Luzyanin
06 July 2016 17:32
06 July 2016 16:06
30 June 2016 12:44
But the texture doesn't show in the browser, not with the Fast Preview nor when exporting the scene as a json file. Interesting bit is, that when you export the scene as a html file, all is fine and the texture is shown as it should be. The same thing happens with Firefox and Chrome so it's not a browser related issue.It's a common newby problem. It's becaouse your textures not inside SDK folder, so you need to put your textures inside the Blend4Web SDK folder. You can read about it here.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
29 June 2016 16:00
28 June 2016 14:19
Incidentally, if you want to have perfect English, your sig should really beThanks, it's really helpful.
"Blend4web and that kind of thing"
"Blend4web and those kinds of things"
because 'that' is singular, but 'things' is plural.
Hope it helps - Thanks again, Cheers, Phil
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
27 June 2016 15:10
27 June 2016 14:15
27 June 2016 10:33
I was so focused on the intersection problem.The reason why you see intersection in viewer and didn't see it in Blender is no sync between moving of the cat and the terrain.
Would you mind telling me what happens to the position of the cat when you do a Fast Preview?What do you mean? There's no difference between Fast Preview and any other export method.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
27 June 2016 10:28
Как правильно создать рельефное стекло? Фара, например.В материал необходимо добавить карту нормалей (например рефленую тайловую текстуру) и использовать ноду Refraction для эффекта приломления, примеры использования этих нод вы можете найти в дистрибутиве движка. Для основы можете использовать материал стекла так же доступный в бесплатной версии SDK.
Чем заменить displasment в blend4web? (не совсем понял как работает нода параллакс)Эффект дисплейсмента ка раз может дать парралакс, в дистрибутиве Free SDK ты так же можете найти хороший пример его использования. Для создания эффекта парралакса вам необходима карта нормалей и карта высоты (как раз дисплейсмент). Карту нормалей нужно подать ка обычно во вход Normal материала, а карту высоты нужно подать в специальный Input ноды Parralax и потом подать её UVMap input используемой в материале текстуры. И таким образом текстура будет наложена используя эффект неровности созданный нодой Parralax.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
24 June 2016 10:17
I could manage to glow the normal object but couldn't manage to do same for reflection in plane . check fileI corrected a little your example. For better understanding: you was need to use Extended Material in your node material to get reflection, your Material not reflected at all because of uding simple Material node. So I just connected Color output to Glow input and it began to work.
Here's your exmaple
Blend4web and that kind of thing.