
User posts Will Welker
18 July 2017 19:49
Blender has the option but it appears that the Blend4Web engine does not support it. In the NLA editor, you can hit the N key to open the side panel. There is a checkbox there that reverses the NLA when played in Blender. However when exported, it plays forward.
17 July 2017 09:17
In the past, I have found that using JS files from example projects can cause a problem. When B4W updates their SDK, they also update the example projects. This can leave you with outdated JavaScript. I am getting a variety of errors that make me think this could be the problem. The solution would be to get the new Petigor example files. The Update Modules function is finding a few things to update but there are still errors.
17 July 2017 08:57
Can you attach an example .blend? If your project is too large to attach, maybe you can make a few simple objects to illustrate the problem.
17 July 2017 07:52
It runs but I am getting this error that repeats continually.
Hard to tell what is causing it. Mean anything to you?

I have wanted to do a project like this for a long time but I never had the time. It looks like a fun project to learn from. Feel free to email me, maybe I can help you work the bugs out.
16 July 2017 18:31
I downloaded your project and ran it in the Project Manager. I was very amazed at how big it was. I ran all over your island in first person view. How is it supposed to work? Is there a way to go to 3rd person view?
16 July 2017 17:18
16 July 2017 14:55
17.06.1 is a Pro only stability update. Forgot about that.
Have you looked at the FPS module API?
Specifically the enable_fps_controls().
This is the method used in the FPS example project. It has a bunch of options. VR ready to.
16 July 2017 06:06
For this I think learning about cross-window communication will help you. An iframe is a whole separate window.
Take a look at this.
16 July 2017 04:33
Have you updated your SDK to 17.06.1?

Also might check modules. See this post.
15 July 2017 02:22
I could just have 5 or 10 spheres behind the camera.
I was just reading the documentation Ivan linked. You can have just one simple plane object with all of your materials on it to use as a library in your scene.

You can then use the Inherit Material node to pull materials from it.