
User posts Yuri Kovelenov
23 December 2015 17:56

You can simply remove this function call if you always want to see UI regardless of platform.
Instead of

if(detect_mobile()) {
        setup_control_events(right_arrow, up_arrow,
                             left_arrow, down_arrow, touch_jump);
        document.getElementById("control_jump").style.visibility = "visible";

just do
setup_control_events(right_arrow, up_arrow,
                   left_arrow, down_arrow, touch_jump);
document.getElementById("control_jump").style.visibility = "visible";

Hope this helps!
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
23 December 2015 12:31
Спасибо за теплые слова, мы ценим ваше участие.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
23 December 2015 12:23
Thanks David for your kind words, I couldn't have said it better.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
23 December 2015 11:07
Мы рады сообщить о выходе в свет очередной версии Blend4Web, открытой платформы для создания интерактивных трехмерных веб-приложений. Это особенный релиз для нас и нашего сообщества: на этой неделе исполнилось 5 лет с момента начала разработки нашего проекта. Blend4Web прошёл долгий путь от простого WebGL эксперимента до полнофункциональной 3D платформы, признанной по всему миру. Мы уверены, что в будущем всех нас ожидает еще много интересных событий.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
23 December 2015 11:06
We are glad to present a new version of Blend4Web, an open source platform for creating interactive 3D web content. This is a special release for us and our community as we pass the fifth anniversary since the first line of code was written which later evolved into what we now call Blend4Web. Taking a look back, we have come a long way from a mere WebGL experiment to a fully fledged 3D engine now being adopted by industry leaders. There are more exciting changes to come!
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
22 December 2015 21:59
Идея нашла понимание. Модель парогенератора на сайте одного из предприятий Росатома. (внизу страницы)
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
22 December 2015 10:38
Hi Giordano,
as i understand, if i don't change nothing about viewer and other won't be a problem, the app will just open a browser windows with this file html created, without modify viewer or any other resource
You can use Blend4Web free of charge but you must fulfil the terms of General Public License (GPL).

Based on common practice, there are 4 ways to use Blend4Web under GPL:

1. Stock Web Player + JSON scene - you are not required to open source anything
2. Modified Web Player + JSON scene - you are required to open source the modified Web Player
3. Original or modified Web Player used in exported standalone HTML files - you are required to reveal all your source files including Blender files
4. Web application - you are required to reveal the source code of your app and source Blender files

Besides revealing source files to the public, GPL requires crediting Blend4Web somewhere in your app/website.

Hope this helps!
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
22 December 2015 08:26
Hi Kristian,

The get_object_by_name() method accepts an optional second argument data_id which you should use to obtain objects from the second dynamically loaded scene. For example:
var obj_two = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("Cube2", 1); // scenes are indexed starting from 0

Hope this helps!
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
21 December 2015 15:21
К нам обратился разработчик симулятора гольфа из США. Они хотят переписать свое приложение на HTML с 3D видом на Blend4Web.

Требуется написать очень простой прототип 3D вида будущего приложения. Конкретно нужна динамическая загрузка модели поля для гольфа и размещение на нем лунки и мячика.

Техническое задание полностью и файлы ресурсов, а также контактный адрес заказчика можно спросить у меня О размере $$$ спросите его сами.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
21 December 2015 14:21
It seems wishing everybody a Merry Christmas with an interactive greeting card is becoming widespread. Dassault Group, a French company known for its Falcon, Mirage and Rafale aircrafts as well as the CAD software SolidWorks and CATIA, has decided to greet its customers with the upcoming holidays in a high-tech way.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin