
User posts Yuri Kovelenov
08 January 2016 20:43
A few days until the X-Mas contest ends! Please use this topic to submit your entries.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 January 2016 20:40
Можно потихоньку начинать выкладывать работы для конкурса. Вот сюда.

[UPD] На англоязычной половине появился первый претендент.
[UPD2] Вот и у нас тоже начинают подтягиваться. Евгений, спасибо за участие и добро пожаловать к нам на форум!
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 January 2016 20:26
Is it possible to trigger a node tree with javascript?
Nope, js/nodes mix is not supported. Our motivation behind this is that if somebody is prepared to code then he/she would better use pure javascript: app architecture will be more clear.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
07 January 2016 14:55

Blurriness is caused by low display resolution of mobile devices (in web browsers). Try setting ULTRA quality in your app using the config module and the quality attribute.

Nice model btw
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
05 January 2016 23:51
Приветствую! Отличная работа. Армату получится в веб? С инфографикой - это была бы бомба
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
03 January 2016 20:24
Hi, glad you could find the solution. Sorry for little activity on the forums, we are enjoying very long holidays here in Russia (until 11 Jan).
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
31 December 2015 08:41
"Exposure and working experience in Game engines like Unity3D, Unreal, Blend4Web, etc. would be a plus."
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
30 December 2015 12:29
Ton Roosendaal has officially announced that Alexander Romanov is now part of the Blender development team. Alexander has been working on patches for the viewport and bug fixes for more than 1 year. The leader of the Blender project has also noticed importance of Blend4Web as a tool for creating WebGL content.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
29 December 2015 17:12
Скачал исходники с демки новогодней ссылка.
Запускаю html файл - результата никакого. Что не так делаю?
Сохраните где-нибудь внутри SDK и откройте через менеджер проектов (или запускайте через локальный сервер).
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
23 December 2015 18:24
Glad we could help! Nice start with Blend4Web API
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin