
User posts Mikhail Luzyanin
16 June 2017 10:19
still the same..
Can you point where is reflection is incorrect, I can't figure out where the problem. The difference reflection may be becaouse the scale of the nrmal map ant it's mapping are different.

You also need to remove stack material from the Material in the material node.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
15 June 2017 10:22
can you help me to check?
Hi, you need to choose the same UVMap in the Normal Map node that you used to unwrap normal texture, and the result will be the same.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
14 June 2017 14:15
here is my scene file~
Hi, you neet to change Color Space of the Normal Map to Non-Color. I corrected a little your file so it's work propertly.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
14 June 2017 11:58
I have one request. Can you please help me with changing the uv (any one) with this file? It will be very helpful for me
Hi, I unwrapped one of your cubes for you as an example: I created seams on each edge of the cube and unvrapped it, to rotate your image just rotate and UVMap in the UV-Editor. To sdtudy more about unwrapping look at this video tutorial or type "unwrapping blender" in youtube search.
your example a little bit modyfied
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
14 June 2017 11:40
when i use without normal map, it works perfectly but when i put normal map~ it gives me the incorrect reflection.
Can you attache an example of your scene?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
13 June 2017 10:35
С помощью зажатого френеля, или вообще всех производных от него, окантовка получается неравномерной и будет сильно зависеть от наклона нормали относительно камеры, а это всё непредсказуемо, лучший эффект сейчас конечно даёт копия меша с вывернутыми нормалями.
Пример с зажатым френелем.

Blend4web and that kind of thing.
08 June 2017 18:28
If someone can have a hint I'll be greatful.
Can you attach blend file with the problem? The only way to help you it's to study the file.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
07 June 2017 18:58
Here is a Google Drive zip download of my working file. Happy for some PWN'age.
You need to connect to your image UVMap node with selected right UVMap in it. Blender automatically connected selected UVMap from mesh tab, but for Blend4Web you need to connect it to an Image node by yourself.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
07 June 2017 10:37
What I am doing wrong?
Can you attache an example of your scene so we can find the problem?
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
07 June 2017 10:37
What am I doing wrong?
Should I activate anything else together to work?
Sorry, it's a bug, we will fix it in the next release, but for now you need just to create an epty UVMap and it will work propertly.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.