
User posts Juani
05 July 2017 07:26
Yes Will, a plane with water material, a Main Body cube, several Emptys Bob, I have made a group of objects but nothing. I think that I am not applying well the forces in the different objects but I do not get it I miss something that I do not know is.
Thank you.
04 July 2017 22:11
Hi friends, I can not get an object to float in a water material, does anyone know how to do it?.Thanks in advance.
25 June 2017 19:09
It's a pleasure for me Yuri, Blend4Web is fantastic.
Thank you for your development and let us use it for free.

Sorry for my translation with google.
10 June 2017 19:33
Thank you, Will.
08 June 2017 22:33
Hello, I share my interactive project under construction.
08 June 2017 11:41
Hello if you fancy you can take a look at facebook (Blend4Web Español) to see a small tutorial Morphing.
22 May 2017 21:53
Hello Will, I will do the translation of some of your videos, I ask you permission at the same time to share them on the facebook page.
20 May 2017 23:28
Good to all, we have created a Facebook page in Spanish to be able to learn to work with Blend4Web. We encourage all to visit it and contribute your knowledge.