User posts Juani
11 December 2017 14:05
11 December 2017 13:04
10 December 2017 21:49
Yes, the Transform Object node is moving the object "Empty (BONE HEAR)", as it is not visible you do not appreciate it, Suzanne is a daughter of the bone but the bone is not the son of the "Empty", therefore Suzanne does not move. You can do it in several ways, in the Transform Object node you put Suzanne and Suzanne will move, if you put the bone "Armature", the bone will move and also Suzanne because it is his daughter, if you connect the bone to the "Empty (BONE HEAR) "everything will move.
10 December 2017 17:47
10 December 2017 14:14
27 November 2017 17:54
26 November 2017 12:10
13 November 2017 19:59
12 November 2017 23:14
I'm sorry but it's very difficult for me to explain that to you, I think you should see tutorials to learn how to do it, how to use the b4w nodes and at the same time work with Blender. What you want to do requires several actions in Blender and in b4w. If you speak English there are several tutorials from ianscott888 for Blender and for B4W on youtube.
12 November 2017 19:25