
User posts Juani
20 July 2017 15:47
Hi, could not you do it by duplicating all the key frames and scaling them to (-1) before making the bake?
19 July 2017 22:49
Hi Will, I do not understand you, look at this to see what you think, I do not know if I'm confused. They are two different animations in the same object and they reproduce independently or together at the same time.
19 July 2017 20:25

it can be done, if you want to watch this video.
19 July 2017 19:47

if you refer to Shape Key you can do with the logical node Apply Shape Key, subtracting values without doing bake.
19 July 2017 17:47
Hello, in the Properties / Material / Rendering Options panel uncheck the Backface Culling box.
13 July 2017 14:38
Hi, changing the color is easy with logical nodes, look at this youtube link to see if that is what you are looking for.
09 July 2017 19:05
Hi, could you describe an example of what he would be lusting to do?
06 July 2017 07:01
Thank you very much Will, it works great !!
05 July 2017 19:18
Yes!!, it works, a thousand thanks to Will, Yuri and Konstantin for worrying. Is it too much to ask for some guidance for Floaoting Vehicles aka Watercrafts ?, using the Hull part of the vehicle restriction I do not get it to move with the Camera controls in preview.
Thank you.
05 July 2017 18:10
Exact Will, in the documentation is not very clear, the restriction of vehicle works perfectly but the flotation has tried in many ways and I can not.