
Feature Requests

Topic Author Posts Views Last Post
child rotating with its bilboard prent
superbirds 3 2317 superbirds
Edgedectection for toon shading
cloudou 3 3704 cloudou
"Look At Object" button in Camera tab
crazyFolker 6 4944 Yuri Kovelenov
mouse-controlled rotation with scene object selection
dallas3d 2 2604 Roman Sementsov
control shadow intensity
ToshiCG 7 4828 ToshiCG
nla play backwards
polytriangle 4 2981 Yuri Kovelenov
"Quick view" button
crazyFolker 5 3994 Will Welker
"Change Camera" node
crazyFolker 4 3742 Yuri Kovelenov
support for interpolation easing and dynamic effects
AdamGE 3 3053 AdamGE
Normal Editor workflow improvements
OskarSwierad 11 5626 Alexander Romanov
Have animation nodes toggle for already playing animations
crazyFolker 4 3495 Yuri Kovelenov
Smaller file size with option to use different Blend4Web JS code
crazyFolker 8 6260 Yuri Kovelenov
Instructive Loading Image
Will Welker 3 2769 Will Welker
Creating native iOS / Android ( eg using CoocoonJS )
crazyFolker 3 3704 crazyFolker
Have "Apply Default Animation" on by default
crazyFolker 2 2348 Evgeny Rodygin
Unity 5 to Blend4Web Integration ?
rebit 3 2874 rebit
Batch process folder of Blend files into JSON
trepaning 8 5103 Yuri Kovelenov
frame range for animation bakes
trepaning 4 3447 Yuri Kovelenov
Loading Feedback
Ryan Uttech 2 2809 Roman Sementsov
In-game profiling
drewpotter 2 2472 Alexander Kovelenov
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