API for controlling the camera within the bounds of the current camera model.
Use Transform API for low-level actions.
All functions require a valid camera object reference. Use scenes.get_object_by_name() or scenes.get_active_camera() to obtain it. The result of applying various transforms to a camera can be overridden by the present camera limits.
All functions require a valid camera object reference. Use scenes.get_object_by_name() or scenes.get_active_camera() to obtain it. The result of applying various transforms to a camera can be overridden by the present camera limits.
- Source:
- calc_ray(camobj, canvas_x, canvas_y, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {ParametricLine}
- correct_up(camobj, z_axisopt, strictopt)
- eye_get_horizontal_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {module:camera~HorizontalRotationLimits}
- eye_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {module:camera~VerticalRotationLimits}
- eye_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
- eye_set_horizontal_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- eye_set_look_at(camobj, posopt, nullable, look_atopt, nullable)
- eye_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- eye_setup(camobj, paramsopt, nullable)
- get_camera_angles(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
- get_camera_angles_char(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
- get_camera_angles_dir(dir, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
- get_eye_distance(camobj) → {number}
- get_fov(camobj) → {number}
- get_frustum_planes(camobj, planes) → (nullable) {module:camera~FrustumPlanes}
- get_move_style(camobj) → (nullable) {CameraMoveStyle}
- get_ortho_scale(camobj) → {number}
- get_stereo_distance(camobj) → {number}
- get_translation(camobj, destopt) → (nullable) {Vec3}
- get_velocities(camobj, dest) → (nullable) {module:camera~VelocityParams}
- get_vertical_axis(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
- get_view_vector(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
- has_distance_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
- has_horizontal_rot_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
- has_horizontal_trans_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
- has_vertical_rot_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
- has_vertical_trans_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
- hover_get_distance(camobj) → {number}
- hover_get_distance_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~DistanceLimits}
- hover_get_horiz_trans_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~HorizontalTranslationLimits}
- hover_get_pivot(camobj, destopt) → (nullable) {Vec3}
- hover_get_vert_trans_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~VerticalTranslationLimits}
- hover_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~HoverAngleLimits}
- hover_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
- hover_set_distance_limits(camobj, limits)
- hover_set_horiz_trans_limits(camobj, limitsnullable)
- hover_set_pivot_translation(camobj, trans)
- hover_set_vert_trans_limits(camobj, limitsnullable)
- hover_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limits)
- hover_setup(camobj, params)
- hover_setup_rel(camobj, params)
- hover_switch_horiz_rotation(camobj, enable)
- is_eye_camera(obj) → {boolean}
- is_hover_camera(obj) → {boolean}
- is_look_up(camobj) → {boolean}
- is_ortho_camera(camobj) → {boolean}
- is_static_camera(obj) → {boolean}
- is_target_camera(obj) → {boolean}
- project_point(camobj, point, destopt) → {Vec2|Vec3}
- rotate_camera(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
- set_eye_distance(camobj, eye_dist)
- set_fov(camobj, fov)
- set_hmd_fov(camobj, hmd_left_fov, hmd_right_fov)
- set_ortho_scale(camobj, ortho_scale)
- set_projection(camobj, matrix)
- set_stereo_distance(camobj, conv_dist)
- set_translation(camobj, trans)
- set_velocities(camobj, velocity)
- set_vertical_axis(camobj, axis)
- static_get_rotation(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Quat}
- static_set_look_at(camobj, posopt, nullable, look_atopt, nullable)
- static_set_rotation(camobj, quat)
- static_setup(camobj, paramsopt, nullable)
- target_get_distance(camobj) → {number}
- target_get_distance_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~DistanceLimits}
- target_get_horizontal_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {module:camera~HorizontalRotationLimits}
- target_get_pivot(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
- target_get_pivot_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {module:camera~PivotLimits}
- target_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {module:camera~VerticalRotationLimits}
- target_pan_pivot(camobj, trans_h_delta, trans_v_delta)
- target_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
- target_set_distance(camobj, distance)
- target_set_distance_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- target_set_horizontal_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- target_set_pivot_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- target_set_pivot_translation(camobj, trans)
- target_set_trans_pivot(camobj, transopt, nullable, pivotopt, nullable)
- target_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
- target_setup(camobj, params)
- target_switch_panning(camobj, enable)
- target_zoom_object(camobj, obj)
- translate_view(camobj, x, y, angle)
Type Definitions
- DistanceLimits
- EyeCameraParams
- FrustumPlanes
- HorizontalRotationLimits
- HorizontalTranslationLimits
- HoverAngleLimits
- HoverCameraParams
- HoverCameraParamsRel
- PivotLimits
- StaticCameraParams
- TargetCameraParams
- VelocityParams
- VerticalRotationLimits
- VerticalTranslationLimits
Detailed Description
The camera's movement style: STATIC (non-interactive).
- Source:
calc_ray(camobj, canvas_x, canvas_y, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {ParametricLine}
Calculate the direction of the camera ray based on the Canvas coordinates.
The origin of the Canvas space is located in the top left corner of the Canvas.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
canvas_x |
number | X Canvas coordinate. | ||
canvas_y |
number | Y Canvas coordinate. | ||
dest |
ParametricLine |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Float32Array(6); | Destination parametric line. |
Destination parametric line.
- Type
- ParametricLine
- Source:
correct_up(camobj, z_axisopt, strictopt)
Correct the UP vector of the camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
z_axis |
Vec3 |
<optional> |
util.AXIS_Z | Axis vector. |
strict |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Align camera exactly with the direction of the given axis vector (never with the opposite direction). |
- Source:
eye_get_horizontal_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {HorizontalRotationLimits}
Get horizontal angle limits of the EYE camera (converted to the [0, 2Pi] range).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
local |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Use camera local space representation. |
Horizontal rotation limits or null if disabled.
eye_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {VerticalRotationLimits}
Get vertical rotation limits of the EYE camera (converted to the [-Pi, Pi] range).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
local |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Use camera local space representation. |
Vertical rotation limits or null if disabled.
eye_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
Rotate the EYE camera counterclockwise (CCW) around its origin by the given angles.
Performs delta rotation or sets the camera's absolute rotation depending on
the "is_abs" parameter.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
phi |
number | Azimuth angle in radians. | ||
theta |
number | Elevation angle in radians. | ||
is_abs |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Performs delta rotation if FALSE, sets camera's absolute rotation if TRUE. |
- Deprecated since 17.06:
- Use module:camera.rotate_camera instead
- Source:
- See:
eye_set_horizontal_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set horizontal rotation limits for the EYE camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Horizontal rotation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
eye_set_look_at(camobj, posopt, nullable, look_atopt, nullable)
Set position and orientation for the EYE camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Pass null to keep the current camera position. |
look_at |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Point the camera is looking at. Pass null to keep the existing camera orientation. |
- Source:
eye_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set vertical rotation limits for the EYE camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Vertical rotation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
eye_setup(camobj, paramsopt, nullable)
Setup the EYE camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
params |
EyeCameraParams |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | The parameters of the EYE camera. |
- Source:
get_camera_angles(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
Get the angles of horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (elevation) rotation
(CCW as seen from the rotation axis) of the TARGET/HOVER camera, or the
analogous orientation angles of the EYE camera.
Intended for the cameras with corrected up vector.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
Vec2 |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Float32Array(2); | Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta], phi: [0, 2Pi], theta: [-Pi, Pi]. |
Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta].
- Type
- Vec2
get_camera_angles_char(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
Get the angles of horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (elevation) rotation
(CCW as seen from the rotation axis) of the TARGET/HOVER camera, or the
analogous orientation angles of the EYE camera.
The angles are converted for the character object.
Intended for the cameras with corrected up vector.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
Vec2 |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Float32Array(2); | Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta], phi: [0, 2Pi], theta: [-Pi, Pi]. |
Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta].
- Type
- Vec2
get_camera_angles_dir(dir, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec2}
Get the angles of horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (elevation) rotation
(CCW as seen from the rotation axis) of the TARGET/HOVER camera, or the
analogous orientation angles of the EYE camera from the given direction
representing the view vector of the camera, which up vector is vertically aligned.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
dir |
Vec3 | Direction representing the view vector of the camera. | ||
dest |
Vec2 |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Float32Array(2); | Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta], phi: [0, 2Pi], theta: [-Pi, Pi]. |
Destination vector for the camera angles (in radians): [phi, theta].
- Type
- Vec2
- Source:
- See:
var m_cam = require("camera");
var m_vec3 = require("vec3");
var view_vec = m_vec3.fromValues(10, 5, -3);
var angles = new Float32Array(2);
m_cam.get_camera_angles_dir(view_vec, angles);
var phi = angles[0], theta = angles[1];
get_eye_distance(camobj) → {number}
Get the distance between eyes of the stereoscopic camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Distance between eyes.
- Type
- number
- Source:
get_fov(camobj) → {number}
Get the vertical angle of the camera's field of view.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Camera field of view (in radians).
- Type
- number
- Source:
get_frustum_planes(camobj, planes) → (nullable) {FrustumPlanes}
Get camera frustum planes.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera object. |
planes |
FrustumPlanes | Frustum planes object. |
Frustum planes object.
- Type
- FrustumPlanes
- Source:
get_move_style(camobj) → (nullable) {CameraMoveStyle}
Get movement style of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Camera movement style.
- Type
- CameraMoveStyle
- Source:
get_ortho_scale(camobj) → {number}
Get the orthogonal scale of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Orthogonal scale.
- Type
- number
- Source:
get_stereo_distance(camobj) → {number}
Get the distance from the convergence plane of the stereoscopic camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Distance from convergence plane.
- Type
- number
- Source:
get_translation(camobj, destopt) → (nullable) {Vec3}
get_velocities(camobj, dest) → (nullable) {VelocityParams}
Get velocity parameters of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
dest |
VelocityParams | The receiving object. |
Velocity parameters.
- Type
- VelocityParams
- Source:
get_vertical_axis(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
get_view_vector(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
has_distance_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera has distance limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
has_horizontal_rot_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera has any horizontal rotation limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
has_horizontal_trans_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera has any horizontal translation limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
has_vertical_rot_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera has any vertical rotation limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
has_vertical_trans_limits(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera has any vertical translation limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
hover_get_distance(camobj) → {number}
Get distance to the pivot point for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Distance to the pivot.
- Type
- number
- Source:
hover_get_distance_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {DistanceLimits}
Get distance limits of the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
DistanceLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
Distance limits.
- Type
- DistanceLimits
- Source:
hover_get_horiz_trans_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {HorizontalTranslationLimits}
Get horizontal translation limits of the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
HorizontalTranslationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
Horizontal translation limits or null if disabled.
hover_get_pivot(camobj, destopt) → (nullable) {Vec3}
hover_get_vert_trans_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {VerticalTranslationLimits}
Get vertical translation limits of the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
VerticalTranslationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
Vertical translation limits or null if disabled.
hover_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {HoverAngleLimits}
Get vertical rotation (hover angle) limits for the HOVER camera (converted to the [-Pi, 0] range).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
HoverAngleLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
Hover angle limits.
- Type
- HoverAngleLimits
hover_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
Rotate the HOVER camera around its pivot by the given angles.
Performs delta rotation or sets the camera's absolute rotation depending on
the "is_abs" parameter.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
phi |
number | Azimuth angle in radians | ||
theta |
number | Elevation angle in radians | ||
is_abs |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Performs delta rotation if FALSE, sets camera's absolute rotation if TRUE. |
- Deprecated since 17.06:
- Use module:camera.rotate_camera instead
- Source:
- See:
hover_set_distance_limits(camobj, limits)
Set distance limits for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
limits |
DistanceLimits | Distance limits. |
- Source:
hover_set_horiz_trans_limits(camobj, limitsnullable)
Set horizontal (along the X axis) translation limits for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | |
limits |
HorizontalTranslationLimits |
<nullable> |
Horizontal translation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
hover_set_pivot_translation(camobj, trans)
hover_set_vert_trans_limits(camobj, limitsnullable)
Set vertical (along the Z axis) translation limits for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | |
limits |
VerticalTranslationLimits |
<nullable> |
Vertical translation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
hover_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limits)
Set vertical rotation (hover angle) limits for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
limits |
HoverAngleLimits | Hover angle limits |
hover_setup(camobj, params)
Setup HOVER camera model.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
params |
HoverCameraParams | The parameters of the HOVER camera. |
- Source:
hover_setup_rel(camobj, params)
Setup HOVER camera model with the distance and hover angle limits defined as
variations around the current values which depend on the given camera/pivot
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
params |
HoverCameraParamsRel | The parameters of the HOVER camera. |
- Source:
hover_switch_horiz_rotation(camobj, enable)
Enable/disable horizontal rotation for the HOVER camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
enable |
boolean | Enable or disable the rotation. |
- Source:
is_eye_camera(obj) → {boolean}
Check if the object is a camera and has the MS_EYE_CONTROLS movement style.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object3D | Object 3D |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
is_hover_camera(obj) → {boolean}
Check if the object is a camera and has the MS_HOVER_CONTROLS movement style.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object3D | Object 3D |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
is_look_up(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera is looking upwards.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
is_ortho_camera(camobj) → {boolean}
Check whether the camera is an ORTHO camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
is_static_camera(obj) → {boolean}
Check if the object is a camera and has the MS_STATIC movement style.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object3D | Object 3D |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
is_target_camera(obj) → {boolean}
Check if the object is a camera and has the MS_TARGET_CONTROLS movement style.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object3D | Object 3D |
The result of the checking.
- Type
- boolean
- Source:
Project the 3D point to the Canvas.
Returned coordinates are measured in CSS pixels.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
point |
Vec3 | Point in world space. | ||
dest |
Vec2 | Vec3 |
<optional> |
new Float32Array(2); | Destination canvas coordinates (vec2 - X/Y, vec3 - X/Y/DEPTH). |
Destination canvas coordinates.
- Source:
rotate_camera(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
Rotate the TARGET/EYE/HOVER camera counterclockwise (CCW) by the given
angles depending on the camera's movement style.
Performs the delta rotation or sets the camera's absolute rotation depending
on the "*_is_abs" parameters.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
phi |
number | Azimuth angle in radians | ||
theta |
number | Elevation angle in radians | ||
is_abs |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Performs delta rotation if FALSE, sets camera's absolute rotation if TRUE. |
set_eye_distance(camobj, eye_dist)
Set the distance between eyes of the stereoscopic camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
eye_dist |
number | Distance between eyes. |
- Source:
set_fov(camobj, fov)
Set the vertical angle of the camera's field of view.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
fov |
number | New camera field of view (in radians). |
- Source:
set_hmd_fov(camobj, hmd_left_fov, hmd_right_fov)
set_ortho_scale(camobj, ortho_scale)
Set the orthogonal scale of the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
ortho_scale |
number | Orthogonal scale. |
- Source:
set_projection(camobj, matrix)
Set camera projection matrix.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera object. |
matrix |
Float32Array | Projection matrix. |
- Source:
set_stereo_distance(camobj, conv_dist)
Set the distance to the convergence plane of the stereoscopic camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
conv_dist |
number | Distance from the convergence plane. |
- Source:
set_translation(camobj, trans)
set_velocities(camobj, velocity)
Set velocity parameters for the camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
velocity |
VelocityParams | Velocity parameters. |
- Source:
set_vertical_axis(camobj, axis)
static_get_rotation(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Quat}
static_set_look_at(camobj, posopt, nullable, look_atopt, nullable)
Set position and orientation for the STATIC camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Pass null to keep the current camera position. |
look_at |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Point the camera is looking at. Pass null to keep the existing camera orientation. |
- Source:
static_set_rotation(camobj, quat)
static_setup(camobj, paramsopt, nullable)
Setup the STATIC camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
params |
StaticCameraParams |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | The parameters of the STATIC camera. |
- Source:
target_get_distance(camobj) → {number}
Get distance to the pivot point for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
Distance to the pivot point.
- Type
- number
- Source:
target_get_distance_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {DistanceLimits}
Get distance limits of the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
DistanceLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
Distance limits or null if disabled.
- Type
- DistanceLimits
- Source:
target_get_horizontal_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {HorizontalRotationLimits}
Get horizontal rotation limits of the TARGET camera (converted to the [0, 2Pi] range).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
local |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Use camera local space representation. |
Horizontal rotation limits or null if disabled.
target_get_pivot(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {Vec3}
target_get_pivot_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable) → (nullable) {PivotLimits}
Get pivot limits of the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
PivotLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
pivot limits or null if disabled.
- Type
- PivotLimits
- Source:
target_get_vertical_limits(camobj, destopt, nullable, localopt) → (nullable) {VerticalRotationLimits}
Get vertical rotation limits of the TARGET camera (converted to the [-Pi, Pi] range).
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
dest |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
new Object(); | The receiving object. |
local |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Use camera local space representation. |
Vertical rotation limits or null if disabled.
target_pan_pivot(camobj, trans_h_delta, trans_v_delta)
Translate the pivot point of the TARGET camera in screen space.
Translation distance is defined with absolute value of parameters.
+h from left to right
+v from down to up
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object |
trans_h_delta |
number | Absolute delta of the horizontal translation. |
trans_v_delta |
number | Absolute delta of the vertical translation. |
- Source:
target_rotate(camobj, phi, theta, is_absopt)
Rotate the TARGET camera counterclockwise (CCW) around its pivot by the given
Performs delta rotation or sets the camera's absolute rotation depending on
the "is_abs" parameter.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
phi |
number | Azimuth angle in radians. | ||
theta |
number | Elevation angle in radians. | ||
is_abs |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Performs delta rotation if FALSE, sets camera's absolute rotation if TRUE. |
- Deprecated since 17.06:
- Use module:camera.rotate_camera instead
- Source:
- See:
target_set_distance(camobj, distance)
Set distance to the pivot point for the TARGET camera.
The result of this operation can be corrected by existing limits.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
distance |
number | Distance to the pivot point. |
- Source:
target_set_distance_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set distance limits for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
DistanceLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Distance limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
- Source:
target_set_horizontal_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set horizontal rotation limits for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Horizontal rotation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
target_set_pivot_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set pivot limits for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
PivotLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Pivot limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
- Source:
target_set_pivot_translation(camobj, trans)
target_set_trans_pivot(camobj, transopt, nullable, pivotopt, nullable)
Set translation and pivot point for the TARGET camera.
The result of this operation can be corrected by existing limits.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
trans |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Translation vector. Pass null to keep the current camera position. |
pivot |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Pivot vector. Pass null to keep the current pivot point. |
- Source:
target_set_vertical_limits(camobj, limitsopt, nullable)
Set vertical rotation limits for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. | ||
limits |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Vertical rotation limits. Pass null to disable the limits. |
target_setup(camobj, params)
Setup the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
params |
TargetCameraParams | The parameters of the TARGET camera. |
- Source:
target_switch_panning(camobj, enable)
Enable/disable panning for the TARGET camera.
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
enable |
boolean | Enable or disable panning. |
- Source:
target_zoom_object(camobj, obj)
translate_view(camobj, x, y, angle)
Translate the view plane of the camera.
Modify the projection matrix of the camera so it appears to be moving in up-down
and left-right directions. This method can be used to imitate character
Name | Type | Description |
camobj |
Object3D | Camera 3D-object. |
x |
number | X coord (positive - left to right). |
y |
number | Y coord (positive - down to up). |
angle |
number | Rotation angle in radians (clockwise). |
- Source:
Type Definitions
An object that defines distance limits for the HOVER/TARGET camera.
The "min" value must be less or equal than the "max" value.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
min |
number | The minimum distance to the pivot. |
max |
number | The maximum distance to the pivot. |
- Source:
An object that defines the EYE camera parameters.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Set to null to keep the current camera position. |
look_at |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Point the camera is looking at. Set to null to keep the existing camera orientation. |
horiz_rot_lim |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Horizontal rotation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
vert_rot_lim |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Vertical rotation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
- Source:
Camera frustum planes object.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
Left |
Plane | frustum plane. |
Right |
Plane | frustum plane. |
Top |
Plane | frustum plane. |
Bottom |
Plane | frustum plane. |
Near |
Plane | frustum plane. |
Far |
Plane | frustum plane. |
- Source:
An object that defines limits for rotations in a horizontal plane for the TARGET/EYE camera.
The limits are converted by engine into the range [0, 2Pi] when set via API.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
left |
number | The azimuth angle in radians that restricts a leftward rotation. | ||
right |
number | The azimuth angle in radians that restricts a rightward rotation. | ||
camera_space |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Define limits relative to the current camera position/orientation, otherwise - in world space (by default). |
An object that defines limits for translations along the X axis for the HOVER camera.
The "min" value must be less or equal than the "max" value.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
min |
number | The minimum value that restricts camera translation along the X axis. |
max |
number | The maximum value that restricts camera translation along the X axis. |
An object that defines limits for rotations in a vertical plane for the HOVER camera.
The limits are converted by engine into the range [-Pi, Pi] and then clamped
to be in range [-Pi/2, 0] when set via API.
The "down" value must be greater or equal than the "up" value.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
down |
number | The elevation angle in radians that restricts a downward rotation. |
up |
number | The elevation angle in radians that restricts an upward rotation. |
An object that defines the HOVER camera parameters.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Set to null to keep the current camera position. |
pivot |
Vec3 | Camera pivot point. | ||
dist_lim |
DistanceLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Distance limits. Set to null to define the limits as fixed distance to the pivot which depends on the given pivot and camera positions. |
hover_angle_lim |
HoverAngleLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Hover angle limits. Set to null to define the limits as fixed angle which depends on the given pivot and camera positions. |
horiz_trans_lim |
HorizontalTranslationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Horizontal translation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
vert_trans_lim |
VerticalTranslationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Vertical translation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
enable_horiz_rot |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Enable horizontal rotation. |
- Source:
An object that defines the HOVER camera parameters.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Set to null to keep the current camera position. |
pivot |
Vec3 | Camera pivot point. | ||
dist_interval |
number |
<optional> |
0 | A distance variation around the established distance to the pivot: distance ± dist_interval/2. The resulted distance limits are clamped to be in range [0, +∞]. |
angle_interval |
number |
<optional> |
0 | A hover angle variation (in radians) around the established hover angle: hover angle ± angle_interval/2. The resulted hover angle limits are clamped to be in range [-PI/2, 0]. |
t |
number |
<optional> |
0.5 | An optional parameter which lies in range [0, 1] and defines the disposition of the given angle and distance intervals around the established values, for example: 0 - the given camera position is the nearest zoomed-in point, 1 - the given camera position is the farthest zoomed-out point, 0.5 (by default) - the given camera position is in the middle of the given intervals and can be zoomed equally in both directions. |
- Source:
An object that defines limits for translations along the Y axis for the
camera pivot point.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
min_z |
number | The minimum value that restricts pivot translation along the Z axis. |
max_z |
number | The maximum value that restricts pivot translation along the Z axis. |
- Source:
An object that defines the STATIC camera parameters.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Set to null to keep the current camera position. |
look_at |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Point the camera is looking at. Set to null to keep the existing camera orientation. |
- Source:
An object that defines the TARGET camera parameters.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
pos |
Vec3 |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Position of the camera. Set to null to keep the current camera position. |
pivot |
Vec3 |
<optional> |
null | Camera pivot point. If set to null, when the current view vector of unit length will be used to define the pivot point. |
horiz_rot_lim |
HorizontalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Horizontal rotation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
vert_rot_lim |
VerticalRotationLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Vertical rotation limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
dist_lim |
DistanceLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Distance limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
pivot_lim |
PivotLimits |
<optional> <nullable> |
null | Pivot limits. Set to null to disable the limits. |
use_panning |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Use panning mode. |
- Source:
An object that defines velocity of the camera movement.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
trans |
number |
<optional> |
Current velocity value | Translation velocity ([0,Infinity]). |
rot |
number |
<optional> |
Current velocity value | Rotation velocity ([0,Infinity]). |
zoom |
number |
<optional> |
Current velocity value | Zoom velocity ([0,1]). |
- Source:
An object that defines limits for rotations in a vertical plane for the TARGET/EYE camera.
The limits are converted by engine into the range [-Pi, Pi] when set via API.
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
down |
number | The elevation angle in radians that restricts a downward rotation. | ||
up |
number | The elevation angle in radians that restricts an upward rotation. | ||
camera_space |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Define limits relative to the current camera position/orientation, otherwise - in world space (by default). |
An object that defines limits for translations along the Z axis for the HOVER camera.
The "min" value must be less or equal than the "max" value.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
min |
number | The minimum value that restricts camera translation along the Z axis. |
max |
number | The maximum value that restricts camera translation along the Z axis. |