import register from "../util/register.js";
import m_phy_fact from "../intern/physics.js";
import m_print_fact from "../intern/print.js";
import * as m_util from "../intern/util.js";
import m_nmesh_fact from "../intern/navmesh.js";
* Physics module. Provides API to uranium.js physics engine.
* @see
* @module physics
* @local CollisionCallback
* @local CollisionImpulseCallback
* @local RayTestCallback
* @local RayTestCallbackPosNorm
* @local CharacterMoveType
* @local NavmeshDistanceCallback
* @local NavmeshPathOptions
function Physics(ns, exports) {
* Navmesh distance callback. Used to determine start and end polygon of navmesh
* @callback NavmeshDistanceCallback
* @param {Vec3} position Position to which we must calculate a distance
* @param {Vec3} centroid Center of current polygon
* @param {Uint32Array} vertex_ids Indices of polygon vertices
* @param {Array} vertices Vertex array
* @param {number} current_max_distance Current maximum distance
var m_phy = m_phy_fact(ns);
var m_print = m_print_fact(ns);
var m_nmesh = m_nmesh_fact(ns);
* Collision result callback.
* @callback CollisionCallback
* @param {boolean} result Collision result flag.
* @param {?Object3D} coll_obj The target collision object, i.e the object
* the source object collides with (null for no collision or when this object
* is represented by collision material).
* @param {?Vec3} coll_pos Position of collision point.
* @param {?Vec3} coll_norm Normal of collision point.
* @param {?number} coll_dist Distance between collision points of colliding
* objects.
* @cc_externs coll_obj coll_pos coll_norm coll_dist
* Collision impulse result callback.
* @callback CollisionImpulseCallback
* @param {number} impulse Impulse applied on collision point.
* Ray test callback.
* @callback RayTestCallback
* @param {number} id Ray Test ID
* @param {number} hit_fract Fraction of ray length where hit has occurred (0-1)
* or -1 if there is no hit anymore
* @param {?Object3D} obj_hit Hit Object 3D
* @param {number} hit_time Time the hit happened.
* @cc_externs hit_fract obj_hit hit_time
* Ray test callback with additional position/normal.
* @callback RayTestCallbackPosNorm
* @param {number} id Ray Test ID
* @param {number} hit_fract Fraction of ray length where hit has occurred (0-1)
* or -1 if there is no hit anymore
* @param {?Object3D} obj_hit Hit Object 3D
* @param {number} hit_time Time the hit happened.
* @param {Vec3} hit_pos Hit position in world space
* @param {Vec3} hit_norm Hit normal in world space
* @cc_externs hit_fract obj_hit hit_time hit_pos hit_norm
* Configurable options of navmesh path.
* @typedef {Object} NavmeshPathOptions
* @property {number} [island=0] ID; see {@link module:physics.navmesh_get_island|physics.navmesh_get_island}
* @property {number} [allowed_distance=Number.MAX_VALUE] Distance limit from
* start/target position to navmesh
* @property {boolean} [do_not_pull_string=false] Returns centroids path instead of pulled string
* @property {boolean} [return_normals=false] Return path normals in PathInformation.
* @property {NavmeshDistanceCallback} [distance_to_closest] Callback for distance
* calculation to determine closest node
* @property {NavmeshDistanceCallback} [distance_to_farthest] Callback for distance
* calculation to determine farthest node
* @cc_externs island allowed_distance do_not_pull_string return_normals
* @cc_externs distance_to_closest distance_to_farthest
* Navmesh path information.
* @typedef {Object} PathInformation
* @property {Float32Array} positions Positions of path points - plane array of
* Vec3-type positions
* @property {?Float32Array} normals Normals of path points - plane array of
* Vec3-type normals
* @cc_externs positions normals
* Character's type of movement enum. One of CM_*.
* @typedef {number} CharacterMoveType
* The character's type of movement is "walk".
* @const {CharacterMoveType} module:physics.CM_WALK
exports.CM_WALK = 0;
* The character's type of movement is "run".
* @const {CharacterMoveType} module:physics.CM_RUN
exports.CM_RUN = 1;
* The character's type of movement is "climb".
* @const {CharacterMoveType} module:physics.CM_CLIMB
exports.CM_CLIMB = 2;
* The character's type of movement is "fly".
* @const {CharacterMoveType} module:physics.CM_FLY
exports.CM_FLY = 3;
* Enable physics simulation.
* @method module:physics.enable_simulation
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
exports.enable_simulation = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
* Disable physics simulation.
* @method module:physics.disable_simulation
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
exports.disable_simulation = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
* Check if the object has any physics
* @method module:physics.has_physics
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Check result
exports.has_physics = function(obj) {
return m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj);
* Check if the object has any simulated physics
* @method module:physics.has_simulated_physics
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Check result
exports.has_simulated_physics = function(obj) {
return m_phy.has_simulated_physics(obj);
* Check if the object has dynamic simulated physics
* @method module:physics.has_dynamic_physics
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Check result
exports.has_dynamic_physics = function(obj) {
return m_phy.has_dynamic_physics(obj);
* Set the object's gravity.
* @method module:physics.set_gravity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} gravity Object gravity value along the Z axis.
* @deprecated [17.10] Use {@link module:physics.set_object_gravity} instead
exports.set_gravity = function(obj, gravity) {
m_print.error_deprecated("set_gravity", "set_object_gravity");
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
// handling old behavior when positive gravity aligned with negative Z.
m_phy.set_gravity(obj, 0, 0, -gravity);
* Set the object's gravity.
* @method module:physics.set_object_gravity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {Vec3} gravity Gravity vector.
* @example var m_phy = require("physics");
* var m_scenes = require("scenes");
* var my_cube = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("Cube");
* var gravity_vec = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1]);
* m_phy.set_object_gravity(my_cube, gravity_vec);
exports.set_object_gravity = function(obj, gravity) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_gravity(obj, gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]);
* Set the object's transform (for static/kinematic objects)
* @method module:physics.set_transform
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {Vec3} trans Translation vector
* @param {Quat} quat Rotation quaternion
exports.set_transform = function(obj, trans, quat) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_transform(obj, trans, quat);
* Sync the object's transform (for static/kinematic objects)
* @method module:physics.sync_transform
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
exports.sync_transform = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
* Apply velocity to the object (in the local space)
* @method module:physics.apply_velocity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} vx_local Vx local space velocity
* @param {number} vy_local Vy local space velocity
* @param {number} vz_local Vz local space velocity
exports.apply_velocity = function(obj, vx_local, vy_local, vz_local) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_velocity(obj, vx_local, vy_local, vz_local);
* Apply velocity to the object (in the world space)
* @method module:physics.apply_velocity_world
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} vx Vx world space velocity
* @param {number} vy Vy world space velocity
* @param {number} vz Vz world space velocity
exports.apply_velocity_world = function(obj, vx, vy, vz) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_velocity_world(obj, vx, vy, vz);
* Apply a constant force to the object (in the local space).
* Pass zero values to remove applied force.
* @method module:physics.apply_force
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} fx_local Fx force in the local space
* @param {number} fy_local Fy force in the local space
* @param {number} fz_local Fz force in the local space
exports.apply_force = function(obj, fx_local, fy_local, fz_local) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_force(obj, fx_local, fy_local, fz_local, false);
* Apply a constant force to the object (in the world space).
* Pass zero values to remove applied force.
* @method module:physics.apply_force_world
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} fx_world Fx force in the world space
* @param {number} fy_world Fy force in the world space
* @param {number} fz_world Fz force in the world space
exports.apply_force_world = function(obj, fx_world, fy_world, fz_world) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_force(obj, fx_world, fy_world, fz_world, true);
* Apply constant torque to the object (in the local space).
* Pass zero values to remove applied torque.
* @method module:physics.apply_torque
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} tx_local Tx torque
* @param {number} ty_local Ty torque
* @param {number} tz_local Tz torque
exports.apply_torque = function(obj, tx_local, ty_local, tz_local) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_torque(obj, tx_local, ty_local, tz_local);
* Set object's angular velocity.
* @method module:physics.set_angular_velocity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} av_x X projection of angular velocity in the local space
* @param {number} av_y Y projection of angular velocity in the local space
* @param {number} av_z Z projection of angular velocity in the local space
* @example var m_physics = require("physics");
* var obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("Cube");
* m_physics.set_angular_velocity(obj, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
exports.set_angular_velocity = function(obj, av_x, av_y, av_z) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_angular_velocity(obj, av_x, av_y, av_z);
* Apply throttle to vehicle.
* @method module:physics.vehicle_throttle
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} engine_force Engine force (-1..1)
exports.vehicle_throttle = function(obj, engine_force) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
m_phy.vehicle_throttle(obj, m_util.clamp(engine_force, -1, 1));
* Increment vehicle throttle.
* @method module:physics.vehicle_throttle_inc
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} engine_force_inc Engine force increment (0..1)
* @param {number} dir Throttling direction -1,0,1
exports.vehicle_throttle_inc = function(obj, engine_force_inc, dir) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
engine_force_inc = m_util.clamp(engine_force_inc, 0, 1);
var vehicle = obj.vehicle;
var force = vehicle.engine_force;
if (dir == -1 || dir == 1) {
force += dir * engine_force_inc;
force = Math.max(-1, Math.min(force, 1));
} else if (dir == 0 && force >= 0) {
force -= engine_force_inc;
force = Math.max(0, force);
} else if (dir == 0 && force < 0) {
force += engine_force_inc;
force = Math.min(0, force);
} else
m_print.error("Wrong steering direction");
m_phy.vehicle_throttle(obj, m_util.clamp(force, -1, 1));
* Change vehicle steering.
* @method module:physics.vehicle_steer
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} steering_value Steering value (-1..1)
exports.vehicle_steer = function(obj, steering_value) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
m_phy.vehicle_steer(obj, m_util.clamp(steering_value, -1, 1));
* Increment vehicle steering.
* @method module:physics.vehicle_steer_inc
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} steering_value_inc Steering value increment (0..1)
* @param {number} dir Steering direction -1,0,1
exports.vehicle_steer_inc = function(obj, steering_value_inc, dir) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
steering_value_inc = m_util.clamp(steering_value_inc, 0, 1);
var vehicle = obj.vehicle;
var steering = vehicle.steering;
if (dir == -1 || dir == 1) {
steering += dir * steering_value_inc;
steering = Math.max(-1, Math.min(steering, 1));
} else if (dir == 0 && steering >= 0) {
steering -= steering_value_inc;
steering = Math.max(0, steering);
} else if (dir == 0 && steering < 0) {
steering += steering_value_inc;
steering = Math.min(0, steering);
} else
m_print.error("Wrong steering direction");
m_phy.vehicle_steer(obj, m_util.clamp(steering, -1, 1));
* Stop the vehicle by applying the brake force.
* @method module:physics.vehicle_brake
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} brake_force Brake force (0..1)
exports.vehicle_brake = function(obj, brake_force) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
m_phy.vehicle_brake(obj, m_util.clamp(brake_force, 0, 1));
* Increment the brake force
* @method module:physics.vehicle_brake_inc
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} brake_force_inc Brake force increment (-1..1)
exports.vehicle_brake_inc = function(obj, brake_force_inc) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
if (!m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) && !m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
m_print.error("Wrong object");
brake_force_inc = m_util.clamp(brake_force_inc, -1, 1);
var vehicle = obj.vehicle;
var brake_force = vehicle.brake_force;
brake_force += brake_force * brake_force_inc;
m_phy.vehicle_brake(obj, m_util.clamp(brake_force, 0, 1));
* Check if the given object is a vehicle chassis.
* @method module:physics.is_vehicle_chassis
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Checking result.
exports.is_vehicle_chassis = function(obj) {
return m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj);
* Check if the given object is a vehicle hull.
* @method module:physics.is_vehicle_hull
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Checking result.
exports.is_vehicle_hull = function(obj) {
return m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj);
* Get the vehicle name.
* @method module:physics.get_vehicle_name
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {?string} Vehicle name.
exports.get_vehicle_name = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return null;
if (m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) || m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
else {
m_print.error("Wrong object");
return null;
* Get the vehicle's throttle value.
* @method module:physics.get_vehicle_throttle
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {?number} Throttle value.
exports.get_vehicle_throttle = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return null;
if (m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) || m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
return obj.vehicle.engine_force;
else {
m_print.error("Wrong object");
return null;
* Get the vehicle's steering value.
* @method module:physics.get_vehicle_steering
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {number} Steering value
exports.get_vehicle_steering = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return 0;
if (m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) || m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
return obj.vehicle.steering;
m_print.error("Wrong object");
return 0;
* Get the vehicle's brake force.
* @method module:physics.get_vehicle_brake
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {number} Brake value
exports.get_vehicle_brake = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return 0;
if (m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) || m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
return obj.vehicle.brake_force;
m_print.error("Wrong object");
return 0;
* Get the vehicle speed in km/h.
* @method module:physics.get_vehicle_speed
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {number} Vehicle speed
exports.get_vehicle_speed = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return 0;
if (m_phy.is_vehicle_chassis(obj) || m_phy.is_vehicle_hull(obj))
return m_phy.get_vehicle_speed(obj);
m_print.error("Wrong object");
return 0;
* Check if the given object is a character.
* @method module:physics.is_character
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @returns {boolean} Check result
exports.is_character = function(obj) {
return m_phy.has_character_physics(obj);
* Move the character in the corresponding direction.
* @method module:physics.set_character_move_dir
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} forw Apply forward speed
* @param {number} side Apply side speed
exports.set_character_move_dir = function(obj, forw, side) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_move_dir(obj, forw, side);
* Set the character moving type.
* @method module:physics.set_character_move_type
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {CharacterMoveType} type Character moving type (one of CM_*).
exports.set_character_move_type = function(obj, type) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_move_type(obj, type);
* Set the character's walk speed.
* @method module:physics.set_character_walk_velocity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} velocity Walking velocity
exports.set_character_walk_velocity = function(obj, velocity) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_walk_velocity(obj, velocity);
* Set the character's run speed.
* @method module:physics.set_character_run_velocity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} velocity Running velocity
exports.set_character_run_velocity = function(obj, velocity) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_run_velocity(obj, velocity);
* Set the character's fly speed.
* @method module:physics.set_character_fly_velocity
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} velocity Flying velocity
exports.set_character_fly_velocity = function(obj, velocity) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_fly_velocity(obj, velocity);
* Make the character jump
* @method module:physics.character_jump
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
exports.character_jump = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
* Increment the character rotation
* @method module:physics.character_rotation_inc
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} h_angle Angle (in radians) in horizontal plane
* @param {number} v_angle Angle (in radians) in vertical plane
exports.character_rotation_inc = function(obj, h_angle, v_angle) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.character_rotation_inc(obj, h_angle, v_angle);
* Set the character rotation in horizontal and vertical planes
* @method module:physics.set_character_rotation
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} angle_h Angle (in radians) in horizontal plane
* @param {number} angle_v Angle (in radians) in vertical plane
exports.set_character_rotation = function(obj, angle_h, angle_v) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_rotation(obj, angle_h, angle_v);
* Set the character vertical rotation
* @method module:physics.set_character_rotation_v
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} angle Angle (in radians) in vertical plane
exports.set_character_rotation_v = function(obj, angle) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_rotation_v(obj, angle);
* Set the character horizontal rotation
* @method module:physics.set_character_rotation_h
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {number} angle Angle (in radians) in horizontal plane
exports.set_character_rotation_h = function(obj, angle) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_rotation_h(obj, angle);
* Set the vertical angle of the moving direction for a character. Applies only
* in FLYING and SWIMMING mode. Used to control the moving direction from the
* camera vertical angle.
* @method module:physics.set_character_vert_move_dir_angle
* @param {Object3D} obj Character object.
* @param {number} angle Angle (in radians) in vertical plane
* @example
* var m_cam = require("camera");
* var m_phys = require("physics");
* var m_scenes = require("scenes");
* var _vec2_tmp = new Float32Array(2);
* var char = m_scenes.get_first_character();
* var camera = m_scenes.get_active_camera();
* var angles = m_cam.get_camera_angles_char(camera, _vec2_tmp);
* m_phys.set_character_vert_move_dir_angle(char, angles[1]);
exports.set_character_vert_move_dir_angle = function(obj, angle) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.set_character_vert_move_dir_angle(obj, angle);
* Append a new async collision test to the given object.
* @method module:physics.append_collision_test
* @param {Object3D} obj_src Object 3D
* @param {?string} collision_id Collision ID, pass "ANY" or null for any collision ID.
* @param {CollisionCallback} callback Collision callback
* @param {boolean} [calc_pos_norm=false] Pass collision point/normal/distance in callback
exports.append_collision_test = function(obj_src, collision_id, callback,
calc_pos_norm) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_src)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
collision_id = collision_id || "ANY";
calc_pos_norm = calc_pos_norm || false;
m_phy.append_collision_test(obj_src, collision_id, callback, calc_pos_norm);
* Remove the collision test from the given object.
* @method module:physics.remove_collision_test
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D.
* @param {?string} collision_id Collision ID, pass "ANY" or null for any collision ID.
* @param {CollisionCallback} callback Collision callback.
exports.remove_collision_test = function(obj, collision_id, callback) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
collision_id = collision_id || "ANY";
m_phy.remove_collision_test(obj, collision_id, callback);
* Apply a new async collision impulse test to the given object.
* @method module:physics.apply_collision_impulse_test
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
* @param {CollisionImpulseCallback} callback Collision impulse test callback.
exports.apply_collision_impulse_test = function(obj, callback) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
m_phy.apply_collision_impulse_test(obj, callback);
* Remove the collision impulse test from the given object.
* @method module:physics.clear_collision_impulse_test
* @param {Object3D} obj Object 3D
exports.clear_collision_impulse_test = function(obj) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
* Append a new async ray test.
* @method module:physics.append_ray_test
* @param {?Object3D} obj_src Source object, pass a non-null value to perform ray casting
* in object space, e.g. from/to vectors specified in object space.
* @param {Vec3} from From vector
* @param {Vec3} to To vector
* @param {?string} collision_id Collision ID, pass "ANY" or null for any collision ID.
* @param {RayTestCallback} callback Ray Test callback
* @param {boolean} [autoremove=false] Automatically remove test after ray casting.
* @returns {number} Ray Test ID
exports.append_ray_test = function(obj_src, from, to, collision_id, callback,
autoremove) {
obj_src = obj_src || null;
if (obj_src != null && !m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_src)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return 0;
collision_id = collision_id || "ANY";
autoremove = autoremove || false;
var calc_all_hits = false;
var calc_pos_norm = false;
var ign_src_rot = false;
return m_phy.append_ray_test(obj_src, from, to, collision_id, callback,
autoremove, calc_all_hits, calc_pos_norm, ign_src_rot);
* Append a new async ray test (extended version).
* @method module:physics.append_ray_test_ext
* @param {?Object3D} obj_src Source object, pass a non-null value to perform ray casting
* in object space, e.g. from/to vectors specified in object space
* @param {Vec3} from From vector
* @param {Vec3} to To vector
* @param {?string} collision_id Collision ID, pass "ANY" or null for any collision ID.
* @param {RayTestCallback|RayTestCallbackPosNorm} callback Ray Test callback
* @param {boolean} [autoremove=false] Automatically remove test after ray casting.
* @param {boolean} [calc_all_hits=false] Test for all possible objects along the ray or
* just for closest object
* @param {boolean} [calc_pos_norm=false] Calculate and return hit point's position/normal in
* callback
* @param {boolean} [ign_src_rot=false] Ignore rotation of source object
* @returns {number} Ray Test ID
exports.append_ray_test_ext = function(obj_src, from, to, collision_id, callback,
autoremove, calc_all_hits, calc_pos_norm, ign_src_rot) {
obj_src = obj_src || null;
if (obj_src != null && !m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_src)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
return 0;
collision_id = collision_id || "ANY";
autoremove = autoremove || false;
calc_all_hits = calc_all_hits || false;
calc_pos_norm = calc_pos_norm || false;
ign_src_rot = ign_src_rot || false;
return m_phy.append_ray_test(obj_src, from, to, collision_id, callback,
autoremove, calc_all_hits, calc_pos_norm, ign_src_rot);
* Remove ray test.
* @method module:physics.remove_ray_test
* @param {number} id Ray Test ID
exports.remove_ray_test = function(id) {
if (!m_phy.is_ray_test(id)) {
m_print.error("Wrong ray test ID");
* Change from/to vectors for the given ray test.
* @method module:physics.change_ray_test_from_to
* @param {number} id Ray Test ID
* @param {Vec3} from New from vector
* @param {Vec3} to New to vector
exports.change_ray_test_from_to = function(id, from, to) {
if (!m_phy.is_ray_test(id)) {
m_print.error("Wrong ray test ID");
m_phy.change_ray_test_from_to(id, from, to);
* Apply physics constraint.
* @method module:physics.apply_constraint
* @param {string} pivot_type Pivot type
* @param {Object3D} obj_a Object 3D A
* @param {Vec3} trans_a Translation of pivot frame relative to A
* @param {Quat} quat_a Rotation of pivot frame relative to A
* @param {Object3D} obj_b Object 3D B
* @param {Vec3} trans_b Translation of pivot frame relative to B
* @param {Quat} quat_b Rotation of pivot frame relative to B
* @param {ConstraintLimits} limits Object containing constraint limits
* @param {Float32Array} [stiffness=null] 6-dimensional vector with constraint stiffness
* @param {Float32Array} [damping=null] 6-dimensional vector with constraint damping
exports.apply_constraint = function(pivot_type, obj_a, trans_a, quat_a,
obj_b, trans_b, quat_b, limits, stiffness, damping) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_a) || !m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_b)) {
m_print.error("Wrong objects");
m_phy.apply_constraint(pivot_type, obj_a, trans_a, quat_a,
obj_b, trans_b, quat_b, limits, stiffness, damping);
* Remove physics constraint.
* constraint identified by object A from apply_constraint function
* @method module:physics.remove_constraint
* @param {Object3D} obj_a Object A.
exports.clear_constraint = function(obj_a) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_a) || !m_phy.has_constraint(obj_a)) {
m_print.error("Wrong object");
* Pull object A to constraint pivot with object B.
* @method module:physics.pull_to_constraint_pivot
* @param {Object3D} obj_a Object 3D A
* @param {Vec3} trans_a Translation of pivot frame relative to A
* @param {Quat} quat_a Rotation of pivot frame relative to A
* @param {Object3D} obj_b Object 3D B
* @param {Vec3} trans_b Translation of pivot frame relative to B
* @param {Quat} quat_b Rotation of pivot frame relative to B
exports.pull_to_constraint_pivot = function(obj_a, trans_a, quat_a,
obj_b, trans_b, quat_b) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_a) || !m_phy.obj_has_physics(obj_b)) {
m_print.error("Wrong objects");
m_phy.pull_to_constraint_pivot(obj_a, trans_a, quat_a,
obj_b, trans_b, quat_b);
function distance_to_closest_default(position, centroid, vertex_ids, vertices,
current_max_distance) {
return m_util.dist_to_triange(position, vertices[vertex_ids[0]],
vertices[vertex_ids[1]], vertices[vertex_ids[2]]);
// NOTE: don't remove this function.
// function distance_to_closest_default(position, centroid, vertex_ids, vertices,
// current_max_distance) {
// m_vec3.subtract(position, centroid, _vec3_tmp);
// return, _vec3_tmp);
// }
function distance_to_farthest_default(position, centroid, vertex_ids, vertices,
current_max_distance) {
var distance = Math.abs(position[2] - centroid[2]);
if (distance < current_max_distance &&
m_nmesh.is_vector_in_poly(position, vertex_ids, vertices))
return distance;
return Number.MAX_VALUE;
* Get the id of a closest navmesh island(group)
* @method module:physics.navmesh_get_island
* @param {Object3D} navmesh_obj Navigation mesh object
* @param {Vec3} position Path start position
* @param {?NavmeshDistanceCallback} distance_to_closest Callback for distance
* calculation to determine the closest node. If null then the default function will
* be used. It calculates the distance from a point to a triangle in the 3D space.
* @returns {number} island ID
* @example
* var m_phys = require("physics");
* var m_scenes = require("scenes");
* var start_point = new Float32Array([5, 2, -7]);
* var end_point = new Float32Array([-2, 0, 3]);
* var navmesh_obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("navmesh");
* var island_id = m_phys.navmesh_get_island(navmesh_obj, start_point);
* var path = m_phys.navmesh_find_path(navmesh_obj, start_point, end_point, { island: island_id });
exports.navmesh_get_island = navmesh_get_island;
function navmesh_get_island(navmesh_obj, position,
distance_to_closest) {
if (!distance_to_closest)
distance_to_closest = distance_to_closest_default;
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(navmesh_obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
var navmesh = navmesh_obj.physics.navmesh;
if (!navmesh) {
m_print.error( + " is not a navigation mesh object");
return null;
return m_nmesh.navmesh_get_island(navmesh, position, distance_to_closest);
* Find path between start_pos and dest_pos, return flat array containing
* positions of path.
* @method module:physics.navmesh_find_path
* @param {Object3D} navmesh_obj Navigation mesh object
* @param {Vec3} start_pos Start position
* @param {Vec3} dest_pos Target position
* @param {NavmeshPathOptions} [options={}] Configurable options of navmesh path
* @returns {?PathInformation} Path information or null if path does not exist
* @example
* var m_phys = require("physics");
* var m_scenes = require("scenes");
* var start_point = new Float32Array([5, 2, -7]);
* var end_point = new Float32Array([-2, 0, 3]);
* var navmesh_obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("navmesh");
* var island_id = m_phys.navmesh_get_island(navmesh_obj, start_point);
* var path = m_phys.navmesh_find_path(navmesh_obj, start_point, end_point, { island: island_id });
exports.navmesh_find_path = function (navmesh_obj, start_pos, dest_pos, options) {
if (!m_phy.obj_has_physics(navmesh_obj)) {
m_print.error_once("No physics for object " +;
var navmesh = navmesh_obj.physics.navmesh;
if (!navmesh) {
m_print.error( + " is not a navigation mesh object");
return null;
options = options || {};
var nav_options = {};
nav_options.do_not_pull_string = Boolean(options.do_not_pull_string);
nav_options.distance_to_closest = options.distance_to_closest ||
nav_options.distance_to_farthest = options.distance_to_farthest ||
nav_options.island = options.island || 0;
nav_options.allowed_distance = options.allowed_distance || Number.MAX_VALUE;
nav_options.return_normals = options.return_normals || false;
return m_nmesh.navmesh_find_path(navmesh, start_pos, dest_pos, nav_options);
* Synchronize collision boundings of the mesh, e.g. after shapekey change
* @param {Object3D} object target object
exports.sync_bounding = function (object, scene) {
if (!scene)
scene = object.scenes_data[0].scene;
if (!m_phy.scene_has_physics(scene))
m_phy.sync_bounding(object, scene);
* Synchronize collision mesh, e.g. after shapekey change
* @param {Object3D} object
exports.sync_mesh = function (object, scene) {
if (!scene)
scene = object.scenes_data[0].scene;
if (!m_phy.scene_has_physics(scene))
m_phy.sync_mesh(object, scene);
var physics_factory = register("physics", Physics);
export default physics_factory;