import register from "../util/register.js";
import m_assets_fact from "../intern/assets.js";
* Low-level resource loader. In order to load exported scenes, use the {@link module:data|data} module instead.
* @module assets
* @local AssetRequest
* @local AssetType
* @local AssetCallback
* @local ProgressCallback
* @local PackCallback
function Assets(ns, exports) {
var m_assets = m_assets_fact(ns);
* An object that defines how the asset resource should be loaded.
* @typedef {Object} AssetRequest
* @property {*} id Asset identifier. Passed to the
* {@link AssetCallback|AssetCallback} as a parameter. Can be unique to
* distinguish asset requests if needed.
* @property {AssetType} type Asset type.
* @property {string} url URL of a resource.
* @property {string} [request_method="GET"] Request method. Supported are "GET" and "POST".
* @property {Object} [overwrite_header] An object containing fields for
* overwriting request headers. For example: { "Content-Type": "image/png" }.
* @property {*} [post_data] The request body that will be sent in a "POST" request.
* @property {*} [param] An optional parameter that will be passed to the
* {@link AssetCallback|AssetCallback}.
* @cc_externs id type url request_method overwrite_header post_data param
* Asset type. Defines which type of data will be loaded, e.g: json, plain text,
* binary buffer, ...
* @typedef {number} AssetType
* @see {@link module:assets.AT_ARRAYBUFFER|AT_ARRAYBUFFER},
* {@link module:assets.AT_JSON|AT_JSON},
* {@link module:assets.AT_JSON_ZIP|AT_JSON_ZIP},
* {@link module:assets.AT_TEXT|AT_TEXT},
* {@link module:assets.AT_AUDIOBUFFER|AT_AUDIOBUFFER},
* {@link module:assets.AT_IMAGE_ELEMENT|AT_IMAGE_ELEMENT},
* {@link module:assets.AT_AUDIO_ELEMENT|AT_AUDIO_ELEMENT},
* {@link module:assets.AT_VIDEO_ELEMENT|AT_VIDEO_ELEMENT},
* Callback executed after a single asset is loaded.
* @callback AssetCallback
* @param {Data} data Loaded data.
* @param {*} id Data asset ID.
* @param {AssetType} type Data type.
* @param {string} url URL of a resource.
* @param {*} [opt_param] Optional parameter
* Callback executed after the whole pack of assets is loaded.
* @callback PackCallback
* Callback for the progress of loading.
* @callback ProgressCallback
* @param {number} rate Amount of loaded data: 0 to 1.
* Asset type intended for loading various binary data. The loaded data will be
* available as an ArrayBuffer object. Supported request methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_ARRAYBUFFER
* Asset type intended for loading compressed binary data of a GZIP format. The
* loaded data will be available as an ArrayBuffer object. Supported request
* methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_ARRAYBUFFER_ZIP
* Asset type intended for loading JSON files. The loaded data will be available
* as a JSON object. Supported request methods: "GET", "POST".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_JSON
exports.AT_JSON = m_assets.AT_JSON;
* Asset type intended for loading JSON files compressed in a GZIP format. The
* loaded data will be available as a JSON object. Supported request methods:
* "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_JSON_ZIP
exports.AT_JSON_ZIP = m_assets.AT_JSON_ZIP;
* Asset type intended for loading files with a plain text. The loaded data will
* be available as a String object. Supported request methods: "GET", "POST".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_TEXT
exports.AT_TEXT = m_assets.AT_TEXT;
* Asset type intended for loading audio files (preferably short audio assets).
* The loaded data will be available as an AudioBuffer object. Supported request
* methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_AUDIOBUFFER
* Asset type intended for loading common image files (JPEG, PNG, GIF). The
* loaded data will be available as an HTMLImageElement object. Supported
* request methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_IMAGE_ELEMENT
* Asset type intended for loading common audio files. The loaded data will be
* available as an HTMLAudioElement object. Supported request methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_AUDIO_ELEMENT
* Asset type intended for loading common video files. The loaded data will be
* available as an HTMLVideoElement object. Supported request methods: "GET".
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_VIDEO_ELEMENT
* Asset type intended for loading video files of a special ".seq" format. The
* loaded data will be available as an object of the following structure:
* { images: [HTMLImageElement, ...], fps: number }. Supported request methods:
* "GET".
* @see
* @const {AssetType} module:assets.AT_SEQ_VIDEO_ELEMENT
* Add the assets to the loading queue.
* @method module:assets.enqueue
* @param {AssetRequest[]} assets_pack Array of the asset requests.
* @param {AssetCallback} [asset_cb] Callback executed after a single asset is loaded
* @param {PackCallback} [pack_cb] Callback executed after the whole pack of assets is loaded
* @param {ProgressCallback} [progress_cb] Callback for the progress of loading.
* @example var m_assets = require("assets");
* var asset_cb = function(data, id, type, url) {
* console.log("LOADED:", url);
* }
* var pack_cb() {
* console.log("ALL DATA LOADED!");
* }
* var progress_cb = function(rate) {
* console.log(rate * 100 + "% LOADED");
* }
* m_assets.enqueue([
* {id: "my_json001", type: m_assets.AT_JSON, url: "./my_json.json"},
* {id: "my_img001", type: m_assets.AT_IMAGE_ELEMENT, url: "./my_image.jpg"}
* ], asset_cb, pack_cb, progress_cb);
exports.enqueue = function(assets_pack, asset_cb, pack_cb, progress_cb) {
if (assets_pack.length)
m_assets.enqueue(assets_pack, asset_cb, pack_cb, progress_cb);
var assets_factory = register("assets", Assets);
export default assets_factory;