
由用户创建的信息 Evgeny Rodygin
15 September 2015 15:39

After inspecting your blend files, I've found that most of the scene objects have a scale value of 0.001. Here what we have because of this.
As you've described above, the following code calculates delta:
var tmp1 = m_trans.get_translation(child);
var tmp2 = m_trans.get_translation(target);
delta =  m_vec3.create();
m_vec3.sub(tmp1, tmp2, delta); 

And it is given in the world space.

After this you apply this delta in the constraint:
m_cons.append_stiff_trans_rot(child, target, delta);

and here is the error because, as it is mentioned in the documentation, offset here is given in the parent's local space. So instead of for example [1, 2, 1] delta we have [0.001, 0.002, 0.001].

Everything you need to do is to apply scale. Hope, this will help.
15 September 2015 11:32

I wasn't able to reproduce this. Are you using 15.08 or some previous release?
Maybe, you can provide a sample scene?
14 September 2015 16:54
Ответ на сообщение пользователя _Yadoob_
Hi guys,

Since Blender Institute announced a new viewport for 2.8 (I understand that it's in a really early state right now), do you plan to cooperate/take advantage of the new features(PBR, stuff from B4W that hasn't been implemented yet like post-processing effects,…) /be closer or be part of the developement team ?

That's a nice question. The new Blender Viewport is a strongly "must have" stuff for us. It will bring a completely new level of comfort for artists using Blend4Web, because ideally there won't be any differences between what you see in Viewport and what you will see in Blend4Web. Therefore, we'll try to participate in this project as much as possible and probably we'll even hire someone for this task specifically.

And of course Blend4Web will support all the realtime features of the new Viewport including PBR and any posteffects.
14 September 2015 14:07
Ответ на сообщение пользователя Кирилл
Приветствую. В демо ферма когда едет трактор из выхлопной трубы идёт дым, и он не прикреплён к объекту. Это сделано при помощи копирования частиц (метод objects.copy)? Просто тогда помоему ещё такого метода не было в api b4w
Добрый день,
Это обычные частицы типа Emission которые имеют в качестве родителя выхлопную трубу.

Ответ на сообщение пользователя дилетант
В приложении Ми-34 написано, что вы использовали визуальный редактор логики (NLA), однако анимация воспроизводилась только в момент нажатия на цифру.единственный урок, который я нашёл по этой теме не подразумевает воспроизведение анимации при нажатии на какой-нибудь объект. Как этого добиться? И как вы сделали в этом же приложении развёртывающееся меню без использования css?
Это наша надстройка над NLA называемая Logic Editor. Вы можете почитать о нём здесь. Развертывающееся меню - это обычный нодовый материал, который меняет прозрачность.
14 September 2015 11:37
Yes. You can send me a mail to evgeny-ar@blend4web.com. I'll answer about the investigation in this topic.
14 September 2015 11:20

You can use "Remesh" modifier and turn on the Apply Modifiers flag on the object. This will result in the reduced number of vertices being exported. And you can always adjust it to the needed quantity later.
14 September 2015 10:55
Ответ на сообщение пользователя goeck
I just found out, loading the first json file as second file again and thus using the same model twice doesn't show the strange behaviour. I am appending the second model to the first model, but loading the same json file this time.
So there must be something about the model. Something with the centers?
Probably it is. Constraints use the origin from Blender. If you have such behavior, maybe there is really something wrong with models. Can we see the example Blend file? If we can, specify please which object is constrained to which one.
14 September 2015 10:47
I completely agree about dragging/clicking, and we should process this situation properly. This will be corrected in nearest releases.

About triggering mouse_up/mouse_down. I can't imagine the exact situation which will require mouse_down event. Could you please describe some use case for this assuming that dragging is already fixed?
14 September 2015 10:42
This is a nice suggestion. Thank you. Most likely, such a button will be added.
14 September 2015 10:41

This is arguably a better behavior. We had several requests from our users about enabling animation by default and probably we'll turn it on. I'll write about the decision in this topic.