
由用户创建的信息 Evgeny Rodygin
24 September 2015 17:27
Ответ на сообщение пользователя paul
In regards to the missing tab, I have indeed switched to the Blend4web render engine. The Blend4web subtab just simply doesn't make an appearance within the Object Tab.
Blend4Web subtab was removed several releases ago (in 15.06 to be exact). When you switch to Blend4Web renderer, you already have all related to b4w options in corresponding tabs. What kind of options are you trying to find?

With the iframe window, does the HTML page need to be hosted online in order to feature within this framework? Is it possible to simply export the scene as code and place it within the iframe coding under a specific line or is this too much hassle? That way, I could theoretically edit the final code with javascript lines as I get more fluent. Sorry for all of the newbie questions…
Well. Exported HTML has to be on the server as well as any other asset you use on your website.
If you are planning to use some coding, then you'd better go with the JSON export and write a simple app. Putting it into i-frame would be similar to the previously described approach. You will also have some html-file which should be placed inside the iframe tag.
24 September 2015 10:25
Ещё стоит добавить, что в будущем мы переведём внутреннюю структуру стековых материалов на нодовую основу, и это ограничение, как и многие другие пропадет.
23 September 2015 18:31
I have a HTML file created for this framework coding and am curious about the "no external dependencies" feature of this Blend4web method
As it is described in this tutorial you just need to point your html-exported scene inside the iframe tag.
 <iframe width="800" height="500" src="/path/to/your/scene"></iframe>

The path here is given relatively to the main html page. This should work without any problems. I have attach a simple example of how it works.

I cannot seem to locate the Blend4web tab in the objects segments. Is there an external setting I have neglected to tick for this option in order to make the interactive feature 'Selectable'?
Have you switched to the Blend4Web render engine?
23 September 2015 18:07
Ответ на сообщение пользователя crazyFolker
Can't make it this year, but hopefully next year will be able to attend and have some drinks with you guys ( and to see who can drink more, the Russians or the Irish! :) )
I have been to Ireland recently. We have no chance against you, I can say
21 September 2015 15:48
Команда Blend4Web примет участие в Blender Conference 2015, которая будет проходить с 23 по 25 октября в Амстердаме.

Юрий Ковеленов расскажет миру о Blend4Web. Если кто-то из вас планирует посетить эту конференцию, мы с радостью пообщаемся с вами и ответим на любые вопросы, связанные с нашим движком.

До встречи в Амстердаме в конце Октября!
21 September 2015 15:42
Blend4Web Team is going to participate in Blender Conference 2015 which will take place in October 23-25.

Yuri Kovelenov will tell the world about Blend4Web. If someone is going to visit this event we will be glad to talk to you guys and answer any of your questions related to the engine.

Hope to see you in the end of October in Amsterdam!
21 September 2015 12:20
Hi Zakaro,

There will be a new "Select and Play" node in 15.09 which will reduce the number of nodes in the middle part of your node tree twice. Furthermore, we are planning to add node groups to logic nodes (but not in the nearest release), which will simplify the structure significantly.
21 September 2015 12:08
Thanks for another nice suggestion.
I think, we can add this.
21 September 2015 11:54

But want when you click the button the animation actually run and stop at the frame 6 from another button and run another animation from frame 6-10

This can be solved in several ways. For example, you can create a continuous sensor manifold which will deal with animation frames basing on the last clicked button.
Here is another example I've made quickly.
21 September 2015 10:23

You can use canvas textures in node materials as well. It will look similarly to what we have in this code snippet.