
User posts Pavel Kotov
20 October 2015 17:34
Не, так просто это не получится. Вообще, теоретически, Alpha Sort работает как раз наоборот - оно рисует от задних полигонов к передним. Можно попробовать покодить этот способ отображения и развернуть его, но что получится на практике, я не берусь предположить)

Вообще да, альфа-объекты для вьюпорта - довольно проблемная тема в Blender, они потихоньку пилят, вроде, новый вьюпорт, да и WebGL 2.0 скоро обещается - может, и альфу поправят настолько, что можно будет такие вещи делать прямо в Блендере. Тогда и мы подтянемся, конечно же

А пока, я полагаю, придется делать ее непрозрачной и накладывать фон по view координатам
20 October 2015 11:23
Well, you must create those animations, if you want to use them
Or choose video example, make three markers on 0.200 and 400 and work with the markers.

I recommend learning more about working in Blender first, it will save lots of your (and our) time later There's bunch of video tutorials about just everything in Blender, including animation - Blend4Web uses lots of interesting but complicated Blender things, such as NLA, for example
19 October 2015 18:34
Here is a very nice video tutorial exactly about the thing you want to know

You can also play with nodes after that and achieve the result another way - using node "Play Animation" :)
19 October 2015 10:40
Еще, кстати, зависит от железа. У меня на ноуте NV 850m, и в 15.04 драйвера Optimus для нее поддерживаются из коробки. Не сказать, что все оченьудобно и замечательно (чтобы переключиться между интел/нвидиа надо выйти из системы), но это явно в разы лучше, чем танцы с бубном вокруг bumblebee на 14.04. Хотя батарею 15.04 стала кушать сильнее
16 October 2015 17:04
Are you using our ViewerDev or Webplayer? Or trying some another method?
16 October 2015 14:41
Can you please send us the file you're importing? And what is your version of Blender?
16 October 2015 13:00
Here is a workaround. I'd do it another way, but to do it it you need to dig deeply into node materials - which I strongly recommend, btw, because your project seems complicated and you'll need more things to work with. Nodes allows you to do almost everything :) So I'd use global masks as transparency and animate it.

Here is just simple hack - blend type object (Materials -> Transparency -> Alpha Blend) always "eats" add-type object (Materials -> Transparency -> Add) . So I parented blend cubes to the bones and cleared animation from the scroll. Also, I parented all the things so you can rotate all this mechanism by rotating scroll itself. So yeah, it works. Just be sure not to use in the scene others Add - type objects

And I used random texture from CGtextures because you didn't pack yours and I couldn't test everything with unexisted textures :)

untitled (2).blend
16 October 2015 11:54
Here is an easy way to "not to stretch" the texture, but before that - are you planning to rotate the scroll? If not, it'll work. But if you gonna rotate it, there must be more comlex solution.
16 October 2015 11:34
And about boolean - what is the final point of using it, what effect you're trying to achieve? Modifiers in dynamic aren't supported, only armature. So here may be some other ways to do it
16 October 2015 11:24
Glad that everything worked out!