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17 February 2016 12:34
Мы подготовили диаграмму для наглядного отображения всех имеющихся вариантов использования Blend4Web.
Пока что только на англ. языке. Готовы ответить на ваши вопросы.
Версия в формате PDF.
Пока что только на англ. языке. Готовы ответить на ваши вопросы.
Версия в формате PDF.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
16 February 2016 15:35
Is it possible to animate 'Scale' of an object to get squash & stretch effect?Currently Blend4Web supports only uniform scale.
Like when a box drops from above and touch the ground,
it squash a few frames in Z-axis then back to normal.
If not, is there workaround to get the result?Perhaps you could use skeletal animation with two moving bones in a rig. Scaling of pose bones must be uniform as well.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
16 February 2016 15:28
Hi, and welcome to this forum!
Please make sure you have switched to the Blend4Web mode.
See also:
when installing ver 16 with blend 2.76b and switching to node editor there is no special nodes for blend4web.
Please make sure you have switched to the Blend4Web mode.
See also:
开发主管 | 新浪微博
16 February 2016 11:45
Could you please send us the Blender file for the shoes model at the support e-mail?
开发主管 | 新浪微博
16 February 2016 11:20
Hi, I can reproduce this bug on my Samsung S6 Edge phone. It is somehow related to the texture. We'll look deeper at this.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
15 February 2016 19:10
Is-it possible to select in javascript such a group?Currently selecting objects on per-group criteria is not possible. You can parent all similar objects to an empty and hide/reveal this empty as a workaround.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
12 February 2016 12:53
doesn't work in your case?
I have attached the blend file from the furnishing the room tutorial. It has an object called 'spawner'.So the function call
doesn't work in your case?
开发主管 | 新浪微博