由用户创建的信息 尤里·卡夫兰诺
06 June 2016 11:44
这些出色的信息图表,直观地解释了两种类型的汽车发动机空气压缩机区别:机械增压和涡轮增压器。这种应用使用 3D 的好处是不容置疑的:用户不仅可以在任何角度观察或缩放的模型,且透过观察有趣的动画和效果,可以更好地了解空气如何在发动机工作时压缩。
增压器 vs. 涡轮
增压器 vs. 涡轮
开发主管 | 新浪微博
06 June 2016 11:43
06 June 2016 11:41
世界著名环保组织,绿色和平组织俄罗斯分支,已创建互动式 3D 信息图表来支持绿色和平组织的俄罗斯清毒运动。
此演示完全无需编程,然而具有引人入胜的图形、 动画和粒子效果,从而论证 WebGL 技术对非程序人员的辅助功能。扩展注解说明了危险化学品全氟化碳(PFC)如何通过环境循环。
此演示完全无需编程,然而具有引人入胜的图形、 动画和粒子效果,从而论证 WebGL 技术对非程序人员的辅助功能。扩展注解说明了危险化学品全氟化碳(PFC)如何通过环境循环。
开发主管 | 新浪微博
03 June 2016 22:27
Hi Brian,
The random node generates floats so you can compare them and set a new integer variable accordingly.
Please take a look at my node setup:
P.S. Gratz on Webby!
The random node generates floats so you can compare them and set a new integer variable accordingly.
Please take a look at my node setup:
P.S. Gratz on Webby!
开发主管 | 新浪微博
03 June 2016 14:53
I would like to map an image on a plane using a resource (.png, .jpg ) that should be downloaded by the browser … what is the best way to do it ?You can use canvas textures for that or replace texture images in runtime using the new API introduced in 16.05.
Then what is the best way to collect info from the 3D scene back to the user in the form of a saved file that he will be able to reuse then later by downloading it.What kind of info? Images, 3D object positions or..?
开发主管 | 新浪微博
03 June 2016 14:46
It takes about 5 minutes to download the Pro distribution with a 100Mbps connection. Our website offers the 1Gbps bandwidth.
What's your download speed?
It takes about 5 minutes to download the Pro distribution with a 100Mbps connection. Our website offers the 1Gbps bandwidth.
What's your download speed?
开发主管 | 新浪微博
03 June 2016 14:41
Hi Luke,
One will notice that other libraries are tried first for example imagemagick. So i installed it and it WORKS AGAIN !Indeed there is the need to install some dependencies on Linux. We should make some instructions for advanced users.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
03 June 2016 11:09
我们很高兴发布新的创建互动式的在线3D体验的开放源码平台 - Blend4Web。从今天开始,您可以享有:由 GUI 安装各种 HMD 头戴虚拟显示器和游戏手柄,从 API 替换图像,针对逻辑编辑器的添加,新材质库和各种优化及可用性改进。
开发主管 | 新浪微博