
由用户创建的信息 WillWelker
28 July 2017 11:48
If you have a look at the Cartoon Interior example project in your SDK, it loads a number of items dynamically. These have lights. The blend files can be found in blend4web_sdk/blender/tutorials/cartoon_interior/

After doing some checking, these loaded lights don't seem to effect the scene.
28 July 2017 10:47
Are you animating single objects or are you talking about many things in the scene happening at once? Are you just moving objects from point A to point B or are we talking about a crowd of zombies?
28 July 2017 10:41
May I use this function and select object
I am not sure. I don't understand what you are trying to do.

For rotation, you will be getting into quaternions. There is a thread where I modified the Cartoon Interior code to do some different things. In this code I acquired the rotation data from the camera, reversed it and applied it to the selected object to offset rotation. This was done so I could parent the object to the camera without losing the objects original rotation data. But this might be helpful to your project. It has example code you can download. Cartoon Interior thread.
28 July 2017 10:24
See if this is what you are after. It uses no code. One end of a mesh line is tied to a bone armature and that armature has a bone constraint tied to an empty which is parented to the camera for viewport alignment. An anchor tab is tied to that. Blend and HTML file attached.
28 July 2017 03:42
Would it help to keep the same HTML and JS, then load various scenes? I once did a large project that had 20 or so little scenes that I just loaded on demand. The project used the JSON web player but you should be able to do the same thing.
27 July 2017 16:34
Hi Max,
request_pointerlock(container); on line 107 is what causes your mouse to disappear and 'lock' in to mouse-look mode.
Read about it here.

Unrelated but, you need to add:
var m_trans = require('transform');

because on line 198 you have:
var pos = m_trans.get_translation(obj);
26 July 2017 05:56
You can control the animations by setting the frame rate in Blender. This will determine how fast your animation plays in Blend4Web. The actual refresh rate is determined by how fast your device can process the scene. So if your application is bogging down on some devices the only solution is to lighten the processing burden on the device. There are a number of things you can do to optimize your project. Using the asset conversion ability in your Project Manager can help. (You might check out this post.)
26 July 2017 02:02
Ah you got it working.
So you probably know what an array in JavaScript looks like.

var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = cars[0];

cars[0] refers to the first element in the array. Counting starts at 0.
cars[2] would be BMW, the third element in the array.
You can read about it here.
Knowing that, you can have one object with all of your materials assigned to it. Then m_mat.get_materials_names(library_object) will get you an array containing all of your materials.

26 July 2017 01:24
Hi Jem,

1. Is this required for iOS support or will the runtime fall back to PNG?
It will still work with PNG. There is an easy way to test your projects on mobile devices. Check this post on opening your project manager from a mobile device over your local network.

2. I am running windows on my dev box. I had to put the PVRTexToolCLI.exe in the %path% variable. Is this the correct way to do it?
Yep. You can read about it here.

Here is a video presentation by Evgeny Rodygin. It shows the effects of some texture compression techniques.
25 July 2017 19:26
Ok Charlie, I will have a look at it. I will have time later today to dive into it.