
Сообщения, созданные пользователем HotGoblins
05 сентября 2016 15:01
Ok, so I have change all textures in square and power of 2 and the problem is solved !

I knew this detail influence on the performance but not on display as.
05 сентября 2016 09:49
Yes, there is some error.

Many textures are correctly loaded, it's written :
B4W LOG: LOAD IMAGE 1024x1024 Textures/PaperCloseUp.jpg?t=26072016154621 (I have textures with many dimensions like 685x583 or 256x256 … that work well)

Some textures generate this error :
B4W ERROR: could not load image: Textures/bois.jpg?t=26072016154621

And other generate this error :
Failed to load http://…/matexture.jpg?t=26072016154621
resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I have many textures of different size and only jpg and png. I haven't space or incorrect character in file name.
For the moment, I don't understand why this problem occured but I will transform all my textures in square and power of 2 for check this solution.


[edit] The first error (B4W ERROR …) is the consequence of the second (failed to load …)
02 сентября 2016 14:53
Ok Thanks for the .blend.

Have a good day
02 сентября 2016 14:27
Ok, I found my error.

I haved check "Geometry" in "Influence" of texture because I wanted a texture with diffuse color and normal map.
Without check this option, It works.

By cons, to make a normal map in B4W, I don't know. I'll find out.
02 сентября 2016 13:25

I have created a simple scene for test lighting.
I add a world, I create a 3D object with material with texture with uv mapping, and finally I add a point light near my object.
In the texture view mode, I can see the luminosity effect on my object but when I export to a simple html file, I notice the light illuminate object with material without textures but not my objects with texture.

I search on web and forum but I can't found help.
In the blend example file "multiple_lights.blend", the lights work on with texture tree but I don't understand why doesn't work with my simple example.

Are there essential parameters for a light illuminates a texture ?

02 сентября 2016 12:22

I have create many materials with textures in UV-Mapping.
I use export Json.

When I execute my app in local, my textures are clean, no problem.
But when I execute this on Internet, my textures seem not fully loaded.
For information, I have a texture folder on Internet in the same folder of the app, so my textures are found and uploaded.

What is strange is the bug result is different each connection and some parts of the texture are display.
In this picture, the first texture bug totally, the second partially and the third work great.

Have you an idea to resolv this problem ?
25 августа 2016 18:32
Thanks a lot, I achieved what I wanted to do.

Just with the first link, it's a little complicated ; but with the .blend in the second link, the topic, I better understood.

So, Thanks. Have a good day.
25 августа 2016 17:26

I am currently doing an app where we can move in a house.
The point of view is like a FPS game and I want display a minimap in the bottom left corner.

To create this minimap, I want use an other camera (in orthographic mode) in Blender.
In fact, I want to reproduice both views that can be seen in NASA app :Curiosity.

So, how to renderer a second camera in Blend4Web ?
If it's not possible, how explain NASA succeeded ?


Sorry if i make mistakes, I'm French.