
Сообщения, созданные пользователем E21
07 декабря 2016 19:08
Thank you, it's really interesting and motivating!

Also, thank you for your tutorials on youtube. They are helping me in my learning process.
06 декабря 2016 15:13
A tutorial to help us link the Oculus Rift/HMD to the browser would be really great!
01 декабря 2016 19:20
Thank you Konstantin!

I come from Unreal Engine and VR. I'm interested in having a light-weight engine running on a browser. B4W looks like it's what I need. Great to know PBR (Cycles) should work in the future. I was impressed to find a parallax occlusion mapping on such a Javascript engine. You guys rock! ;-)
01 декабря 2016 16:06
Wow! That's really great that we will be able to use Blender Cycles nodes with B4W. Is your goal to be able to do PBR textures via node trees like "PBR Uber-Shader" or similar?

I'm discovering B4W and I think PBR textures would make the learning curve easier. I think it's a awesome software, keep up the great work!
