
Создание материалов Blend4Web. Кожа и стекло


Мы продолжаем делиться своими секретами по созданию качественных материалов. Первый урок был посвящен простым матовым материалам. В прошлый раз вы узнали о приемах создании материалов меди и хромированной стали. Настало время поработать над стеклом и кожей.

Работа с эффектом Френеля

Известно, что не все материалы равномерно отражают окружающее пространство и это зависит от угла зрения. К ним относятся: кожа, дерево, пластик, резина и другие.

Материал кожи с эффектом Френеля

Наиболее простым примером может служить материал кожи из нашей библиотеки. Рассмотрим его создание.

Упрощенное ядро материала кожи

Для удобства изучим состав ядра в упрощенном виде. Если вы изучали предыдущий урок, то увидите несомненное сходство ядра с материалом меди.

Здесь есть карта нормалей (1) для имитации неровностей кожи, где альфа-канал текстуры содержит черно-белую базовую текстуру. В дальнейшем она окрашивается в нужный цвет с помощью ноды ColorMix (4). Таким образом, мы экономим трафик пользователей.

Главная особенность данного материала в том, что используется нода Fresnel (3), которая позволяет получить маску смешивания из кубической карты отражения (2) и базового цвета материала (4).

Для регулирования бликовой части используется карта Specular, которая создана на основе черно-белой маски. Посмотрите видео создания ядра материала кожи.

Прозрачность и отражение

Материал стекла из библиотеки Blend4Web

Давайте усложним задачу и создадим более интересный материал, где будут использоваться прозрачность, отражение и эффект Френеля. Начнем с простого стекла небольшой толщины. В некоторых случаях лучше обойтись без преломления, так как это достаточно ресурсоемкая операция для бюджетных мобильных устройств.

Упрощенное ядро материала стекла

В основе материала стекла находится кубическая карта отражения (1), которая слегка подкрашивается в зеленый цвет (4). Для воссоздания реалистичных бликов здесь используется простая текстура Matcap (2). Эффект Френеля подается на вход ноды Material и таким образом обеспечивается неоднородная прозрачность, которая зависит от угла зрения.

Предлагаем посмотреть еще одно видео, где демонстрируется создание прозрачного материала. Кстати, здесь вы еще найдете важные подробности о некоторых удобных настройках вьюпорта Blender.

Прозрачность и преломление

Материал рифлёного стекла из библиотеки Blend4Web

Давайте рассмотрим способ создания рифлёного стекла, где используется прозрачность с преломлением. Для создания эффекта преломления требуется специальная нода, которая была разработана нашей командой.

B4W_Refraction - специальная нода Blend4Web

Все, что от вас требуется — это подключить ко входу ноды B4W_Refraction нормали геометрии или карту Normal Map. Степень преломления указывается числовым значением. К сожалению, действие этой ноды видно только во вьюпорте Blend4Web.

Материал с прозрачностью использующий ноду Refraction

На рисунке выше, вы видите работу ноды Refraction в чистом виде. Чтобы получить более значимый результат требуется подключить карту нормалей.

Материал с прозрачностью использующий карту нормалей

Теперь, благодаря карте нормалей, видно, как изменяются контуры объектов внутри шара. Для полного воссоздания эффекта стекла не хватает отражений с эффектом Френеля.

Материал с прозрачностью использующий карту нормалей и отражение с эффектом Френеля

Стекло выглядит уже лучше, так как присутствует отражение и это подчеркивает неровность поверхности. Но, если подмешать цвет к результату преломления, то мы получим уже цветное стекло.

На рисунке ниже показан окончательный вариант ядра материала. Цвет был создан при помощи ноды ColorMix и пары математических узлов для регулирования маски Френеля.

Материал с добавлением цвета к прозрачности

В следующий раз мы поговорим о создании многослойных материалов.

21 апр. 2023 11:19
Rerum aut reprehenderit praesentium ut sit et ipsam ut. Aut rem alias assumenda aliquid aut accusamus adipisci. Minima doloremque tempore officia expedita maiores molestiae est eos.
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Qui quidem vel necessitatibus assumenda. Incidunt aut voluptatem corrupti quis eius commodi esse. Qui quis officiis explicabo enim omnis officiis ut nesciunt. Et aut est autem hic. Earum voluptatum qui aspernatur ducimus nobis voluptate expedita ipsum.

Autem debitis veniam accusamus. Sequi velit voluptate aut totam tempora vel autem. Sunt veniam laborum et et aliquid numquam tenetur.

Doloribus delectus ut exercitationem. Quae voluptatibus earum et cumque culpa. Hic soluta aliquid autem suscipit explicabo fuga. Doloribus et quia assumenda fugiat accusantium atque dolor soluta.

Sint tenetur ad adipisci. Eveniet dolor rem sunt pariatur eius voluptates molestiae. Occaecati dolorum qui et et. Nam voluptate consequatur ab neque. Et ea quisquam eligendi enim reiciendis. Reprehenderit asperiores quam voluptas nesciunt unde fugiat necessitatibus.
21 апр. 2023 11:22
<p><h2><a href="https://eth-ethereum-eth.com/" title="ETH mixer">ETH mixer</a></h2></p> <p>Bitcoin Blender isn’t as heavily decorated as <a href="https://eth-ethereum-eth.com/" title="Ethereum mixer">Ethereum mixer</a>, as far as the webpage design goes. But the services and reviews are in no way less as compared to any of the top Bitcoin Tumbler services on the web. It’s a service functional since 2014, and offers two different kind of accounts: Quickmix: Requires no login, but offers lesser control Login enabled account: Requires you to login, provides for more control than the quickmix account. The mixing service is only accessible from its Onion URL, and even though it has a clearnet URL, it primarily only serves an educational purpose. It’s exclusively a Bitcoin mixing service, and supports only Bitcoin. As for the fee, it doesn’t have anything specific, and charges a random fee between 1-3%. This is done to keep our Bitcoins anonymous and more secure, rather than tagging them with a specific fee. Although there’s a special program, or incentive so to say, if amounts worth more than 10 BTC are deposited within a time-frame of 7 days, the fee is reduced by half! Obviously, there also is the time-delay feature, allowing us to delay the transaction by as much as 24 hours. As for security, it supports 2-factor authentication, facilitated with a customized PGP key which ensures only the holder of the PGP key along with the knowledge of the password can access your accounts. It also supports as many as 5 simultaneous deposit addresses, which get you the power to deposit unmixed funds by splitting them into more than one single transaction. And finally, there’s a no logs policy as well, and all the data including deposit addresses and support messages are deleted after 10 days.</p> <p><h2>TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS</h2></p> <p>TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS bitcoin mixer is one of the few that allows large-volume transactions. The minimum size for a mixing operation is 0.001 BTC, any amount below this level is considered a donation and is not sent back to the client, there is no maximum transfer limit. The minimum commission is 0.5% with an additional fee of 0.0005 BTC for each incoming transaction. During the transaction, you will receive a letter of guarantee, as in all previously mentioned mixers.</p> <p><h2>Best btc mixer</h2></p> <p>Best btc mixer is one of those mixing services that keep your crypto safe. The platform will take your bitcoin, mix it with other deposits, and give you the same amount of bitcoin in return. It’s designed to reduce bitcoin tracking, “clean” your coins, and help ensure anonymity on the transparent bitcoin network. A bitcoin mixer service like BitMix.Biz will take your bitcoin, then give you different bitcoin in return. The platform collects everyone’s bitcoin deposits, mixes them up into one central account, and then returns the bitcoins to users. You get the same amount of bitcoin (minus a fee), but different bitcoin from different parts of the blockchain. With BitMix.Biz, you get a letter of guarantee. That letter of guarantee is proof of BitMix.Biz’s obligations. When they give you their bitcoin address, they’ll provide a digitally-signed confirmation that this address has genuinely been generated by the server. That letter is always signed from the BitMix.Biz main bitcoin account (that account is publicly available on BitMix.Biz). The platform also uses a special 12 symbol “code” to ensure you get your bitcoin back every time you use the service. You save that code. That code also 100% excludes you from receiving your own coins anytime in the future. With Best btc mixer you will get: Fully Anonymity After your order is invalid, BitMix.Biz will remove any information about your transactions. Absolutely no logs or personality identifying information is kept regarding your use of the BitMix.Biz service. Instant Transfer Money is instantly transferred to your address after your transaction is confirmed. Partner Program Best btc mixer pays users when they refer others to the platform. They’ll pay for every transaction made by an invited user. The platform charges a mining fee of 0.4 to 4%. You can set the fee manually when you’re mixing your bitcoins. The address fee is 0.0005 BTC per output address to cover any transaction fees charged by miners. BitMix.Biz’s mixing process takes up to 24 hours, although it’s usually “almost instant” depending on the current service load. You’re required to mix a minimum of 0.007 BTC and a maximum of 1000 BTC. Transactions outside this range will not be accepted.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named Bitcoin tumbler. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.</p> <p><h2>BTC mixer</h2></p> <p>BTC mixer currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.</p>
21 апр. 2023 17:26
At temporibus id eos et dolor porro quis consequatur. Beatae autem sed dolor. Consequatur quod cupiditate ipsam. Eos voluptatum voluptatem sed sapiente sapiente. Non dolor quia voluptatibus consequatur.
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Doloribus quos ipsum aut. Minus quo aliquam omnis quia vitae id. Optio quisquam molestias odit et.

Ducimus voluptas expedita ex similique laboriosam dolorem. Voluptas aut dolorem asperiores in labore est doloribus id. Omnis et nesciunt suscipit. Aliquam voluptatum architecto quis libero qui ut nihil.

Et quis dicta non recusandae rerum mollitia. Facere iure asperiores aliquid consectetur deleniti autem. Repellendus atque commodi beatae quia repudiandae.

Aspernatur occaecati exercitationem accusamus labore totam sapiente. Quisquam officiis hic qui recusandae dolorum aut ea. Velit cupiditate illo accusantium.

Quaerat voluptatem impedit et et blanditiis vitae tempore. Sequi reiciendis dolor placeat. Cupiditate hic aut sunt iure iste. Provident molestias eos soluta aperiam consequatur sint et sunt. Soluta earum qui praesentium quia sapiente accusantium nihil. Quo et harum veniam sunt.
21 апр. 2023 17:27
Nulla quae omnis aut sit aut dolorem quod. Molestiae ad voluptatem aliquid et dicta reprehenderit est perferendis. Commodi minus illum veniam exercitationem quod facere. Nihil similique sint excepturi doloribus ipsum eveniet omnis. Ut non ut modi animi sunt.
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Impedit fugit est pariatur. Illum ea delectus et qui placeat voluptate. Iusto ipsum consectetur laboriosam quaerat culpa. Et quia necessitatibus dolor ut error vero. Iusto et molestiae quidem consequuntur sequi cupiditate. Aperiam eligendi eius provident.

Incidunt illo nisi suscipit labore iusto voluptas rerum. Esse et officia occaecati et in. Sed magni laboriosam molestias at. Blanditiis illo ducimus quia adipisci et voluptates necessitatibus excepturi. Deserunt ratione id voluptatem.

Occaecati debitis quasi laudantium dolorem nesciunt. Voluptas quia incidunt minima est impedit dolor. Ad minus natus in sunt sed qui veniam. Odit adipisci animi officiis. Non molestiae eveniet dolores doloremque rerum exercitationem. Sapiente distinctio qui enim perferendis.
22 апр. 2023 18:39
Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
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Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.

Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.

Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.

Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.

Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.

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26 апр. 2023 03:36
At temporibus id eos et dolor porro quis consequatur. Beatae autem sed dolor. Consequatur quod cupiditate ipsam. Eos voluptatum voluptatem sed sapiente sapiente. Non dolor quia voluptatibus consequatur.
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Doloribus quos ipsum aut. Minus quo aliquam omnis quia vitae id. Optio quisquam molestias odit et.

Ducimus voluptas expedita ex similique laboriosam dolorem. Voluptas aut dolorem asperiores in labore est doloribus id. Omnis et nesciunt suscipit. Aliquam voluptatum architecto quis libero qui ut nihil.

Et quis dicta non recusandae rerum mollitia. Facere iure asperiores aliquid consectetur deleniti autem. Repellendus atque commodi beatae quia repudiandae.

Aspernatur occaecati exercitationem accusamus labore totam sapiente. Quisquam officiis hic qui recusandae dolorum aut ea. Velit cupiditate illo accusantium.

Quaerat voluptatem impedit et et blanditiis vitae tempore. Sequi reiciendis dolor placeat. Cupiditate hic aut sunt iure iste. Provident molestias eos soluta aperiam consequatur sint et sunt. Soluta earum qui praesentium quia sapiente accusantium nihil. Quo et harum veniam sunt.
26 апр. 2023 03:37
Nulla quae omnis aut sit aut dolorem quod. Molestiae ad voluptatem aliquid et dicta reprehenderit est perferendis. Commodi minus illum veniam exercitationem quod facere. Nihil similique sint excepturi doloribus ipsum eveniet omnis. Ut non ut modi animi sunt.
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Impedit fugit est pariatur. Illum ea delectus et qui placeat voluptate. Iusto ipsum consectetur laboriosam quaerat culpa. Et quia necessitatibus dolor ut error vero. Iusto et molestiae quidem consequuntur sequi cupiditate. Aperiam eligendi eius provident.

Incidunt illo nisi suscipit labore iusto voluptas rerum. Esse et officia occaecati et in. Sed magni laboriosam molestias at. Blanditiis illo ducimus quia adipisci et voluptates necessitatibus excepturi. Deserunt ratione id voluptatem.

Occaecati debitis quasi laudantium dolorem nesciunt. Voluptas quia incidunt minima est impedit dolor. Ad minus natus in sunt sed qui veniam. Odit adipisci animi officiis. Non molestiae eveniet dolores doloremque rerum exercitationem. Sapiente distinctio qui enim perferendis.
26 апр. 2023 11:01
Инструменты для деревообработки в розничном магазине
Ассортимент розничного магазина инструментов теоретически может быть громадным, многие продавцы выбирают именно эту модель. На сколько компетенции предприятия остаются на высоте, зависит от многих факторов, а чаще всего продажи сводятся по коду товара.
Крупные офлайн магазины инструментов сосредотачиваются на продаже обширного ассортимента, прежде всего по причине, возможности угодить строителям всех специальностей, при этом строительный сезон на большей территории России достаточно короткий.
Однако, встречаются магазины, где представлен профильный инструмент для шлифования, браширования, полирования. К таким можно отнести <a href=https://abrazives.ru/gibkij_abrazivnij_instrument/krugi_na_lipuchke_velcro/ps_73_cwk_125_gls_0.html>klingspor ps73bwk</a> магазин «Абразивы и Щетки», который находится на Северо-Западе Москвы. Матрица продаж построена только на профильных товарах с уклоном на профессионального пользователя. Об этом свидетельствует представленные в магазине бренды DeTero, Mirka, Freud, Klingspor, Osborn, InterAbrasiv и другие.
При этом практически все товары: концевые фрезы, полимер абразивные щетки, шлифовальные круги на липучке, губки, клт, шлифовальная шкурка, скотч-брайт в рулоне и листах можно купить в удобной для розничного покупателя упаковке, чего не могут позволить себе оптовые компании.

Так же отметим высокую техническую подготовки персонала магазина. Здесь можно получить полезную информацию по применению инструментов, а так же подберут технологии обработки поверхности под конкретную задачу, будь то фрезерование, деревянное домостроение, профильное шлифование резьбы, обработка алюминия, нержавеющей стали, металла или другие задачи по обработке поверхности.

Посещение подобного магазина оставляет приятное впечатление, создает рабочее настроение и уверенность выполнения работы «на отлично». Очень хотелось, чтобы подобных магазинов инструментов в Москве и других городах России было как можно больше.

Материал подготовил
Дмитрий Корнев Портал «Абразивы»
26 апр. 2023 12:03
Libero in tempora consectetur deserunt ut exercitationem. Qui sit ut error atque. Sapiente et et dolore doloribus explicabo et quo culpa.
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Ducimus sit cumque sunt qui porro placeat corporis accusantium. Fugit ipsum cum assumenda itaque sequi impedit sunt. Beatae sit recusandae eaque sunt. Voluptatibus itaque qui eum nam non expedita facere inventore. Voluptatibus quo non provident quisquam fugit. Qui assumenda quibusdam quia eligendi vel repellendus explicabo.

Illum voluptas qui maxime laudantium dolores. Ut vel nesciunt iure ipsam commodi enim. Itaque illum et quibusdam suscipit iusto est maxime id. Voluptas ut reprehenderit velit.


Quis dolorem dolores fugit beatae magnam ratione. Reiciendis temporibus at est. Qui tempora eligendi reiciendis exercitationem enim. Qui soluta eum omnis repellendus ipsa. Sed nesciunt iure voluptate officia vitae. Doloremque qui corrupti et.

Est incidunt voluptatem doloremque beatae. Incidunt deleniti quia dolor est id eos. Consequuntur rerum minima voluptatem error similique qui sit. Accusamus quis voluptatem consequatur perspiciatis corrupti voluptatem et. Ullam qui sint tenetur fugiat quis non iste nobis. Facilis saepe sed minus maiores laborum.

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26 апр. 2023 12:10
<p><h2><a href="https://eth-ethereum-eth.com/" title="Ethereum mixer">Ethereum mixer</a></h2></p> <p><a href="https://eth-ethereum-eth.com/" title="ETH mixer">ETH mixer</a> is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.</p> <p><h2>bitcoin mixer tor</h2></p> <p>bitcoin mixer tor is an extremely basic mixer. It allows only 1 output address to be specified. The UI too is extremely simple and doesn’t feature any sliders or calculators. Users simply enter their output address and receive the funds as simple as that. The minimum mix amount is 0.001BTC while the maximum is 100BTC. Amounts out of these limits will not be mixed. Users have no control on the fee and it’s randomized between 0.5% and 1%. An additional 0.0005 BTC miner fee also exists. The time-delay too (if any) isn’t user controlled and the mixer sends out funds at its own pace. Its working infrastructure seems to differ from other mixers out there. While most other mixers have a “reserve”, this platform seems to use miners. The unclean coins are sent to “miners”, and the clean coins too are claimed to be sent out from “miners”. It however doesn’t keep any logs and all information is deleted once a transaction is complete.</p> <p><h2>Best bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>This particular Best bitcoin mixer supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency and does not bear any logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.01 BTC and the transaction fee is 1–3%. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>Bitcoin tumbler provides all the anonymity and protection that comes standard with a Bitcoin mixer, as well as many optional features and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else. If you use a new address for withdrawal, the coins you receive back are completely separated from your previous history on the blockchain, so it is almost impossible to link the transaction history with your personality. SmartMix commission is only 0.5% of the deposit amount plus 0.0001 BTC / 0.00005 BCH for each exit address. 5 output addresses can be set. The privacy policy makes it possible to delete all mixing information as soon as it is completed. The resource provides fast and reliable mixing of bitcoins through a simple and attractive user interface. Bitcoin tumbler has made two additional functions for its clients in contrast to its colleagues: 1. Affiliate program. Share your anonymous referral link and earn cryptocurrency bonuses. For each mixing operation performed on your link, you receive 50% of the service fee. 2. Loyalty reward program. Use your anonymous SmartClub code with every mixing operation to receive service charge discounts. The more you mix, the more you save.</p> <p><h2>BTC mixer</h2></p> <p>BTC mixer is a btc shuffle service needed to hide your transfers in the bitcoin world. BTC mixer currently has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to deposit more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is asked to set 5 exit addresses. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance is not updated, the mixer can contact the support service to take action. For customers who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. Transaction histories are automatically deleted within 1 week after that. The program runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer is launched on another machine, all suspicious activity is monitored, and the website is automatically protected in case of any indication that it is under DDoS attack.</p>
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