It's great to see Blend4Web LTS getting continuous improvements! Support for Blender 2.78 and bug fixes, especially for iOS and Safari, will Monkey Mart Game enhance stability. Thanks for keeping the platform up to date!
Blend4Web LTS 16.06.2 Update
Dear customers!
We have just released the second update for the long-term support version. The most important feature is support for the newest Blender 2.78. This update also fixes issues observed on iOS devices and in the Safari browser as well as bugs found in the logic editor, normal mapping, Lamp Data node, dynamic reflections and the normal editor. There are some corrections and additions in the User Manual as well.
Please consider downloading the updated LTS build and upgrading your applications.
Additionally, the current 16.09 release was updated with fixes of critical bugs in the exporter which affected some of our users.