
由用户创建的信息 尤里·卡夫兰诺
14 January 2016 12:37
А вот и наш первый коммит в Blender.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 12:55
Looks like the logic editor is in great demand so far. Can't wait to see your game finished.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 12:45
How center mouse in the center of window when are captioned? thx.
Could you please provide some details on what you're trying to achieve? Maybe some links or videos? Thanks.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 12:42
Glad it worked for you!
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 12:41
@ Łukasz Debita
Hi and thanks for the report, we'll look into this issue asap.
Great to hear that Blend4Web will be used in your BCI work. We and our community would appreciate any updates on this topic.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 12:38

You mean changing the camera UP vector orientation? Probably you could shift empty positions a bit so that your camera could be properly oriented.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 11:35
Great tutorial on how to use the new Viewport Alignment tool introduced in Blend4Web 15.12 by Luke Martin aka LukeVideo.

Don't miss other nice tutorials!

Blend4Web simple interaction

Installing Blend4web in Blender 2.76
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 10:50
Hi Jason,

Thanks for your interest in Blend4Web. I've re-posted your job offer on the Russian part of this forum. There are many experienced Blend4Web developers in our community, hopefully you'll find somebody soon.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
13 January 2016 10:03
Легкие деньги предлагает студия Horizon Productions из США.

"У нас есть несколько 3D презентаций продуктов с анимацией и простой интерактивностью, сделанные на Unity.

Мы хотим нанять фрилансеров или компании, которые могут помочь нам в создании соответствующих эквивалентов на WebGL. Основная цель - чтобы они работали в Safari на iOS.

Оставьте сообщение, если вас заинтересовало наше предложение или у вас есть рекомендации. Компенсация будет зависеть от опыта."

Откликнуться можно здесь.
Или в твиттере.
开发主管 | 新浪微博
12 January 2016 18:37
Also, is there any way to associate sound with the physics. I have a beer can falling off a desk, but it makes no sound. Is there a way to have it make a sound when it impacts the floor?

Please take a look at this code snippet:

    var m_ctl = require("controls");
    var m_scs = require("scenes");
    var m_sfx = require("sfx");

    var speaker = m_scs.get_object_by_name("YOUR_SPEAKER_OBJECT_NAME");
    var beer_can = m_scs.get_object_by_name("YOUR_BEER_CAN_OBJECT_NAME");
    var sensor = m_ctl.create_collision_sensor(beer_can, "YOUR_MATERIAL_COLLISION_ID", false);  

    var callback = function(obj, id, pulse, param) {
    m_ctl.create_sensor_manifold(null, "SOME_UNIQUE_ID", m_ctl.CT_SHOT,
            [sensor], null, callback, speaker);

Every time some physics object touches you physics material there will be sound playback.

Hope this helps!
开发主管 | 新浪微博