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12 November 2014 19:02
Hi Pavel,

you are right, I use version 14.9.


12 November 2014 18:08
Hi Pavel,

Thank you for your very detailed answer. It was really helpful and I walked through the points.

1. I turned "Animation -> use default" of for the objects because I wanted to start the animation via Javascript. This works fine, see the tutorial "creating a web app programming" from Ivan Lyubovnikov.

2. That explains …

3. The Tip with adding zero Local animation to pin the animated object is a very good point.

Your suggestion how to handle complex Projects by using grouping, linking and making proxys sounds very attractive - I will try this technique. At the moment I work throgh the basics - gaming will come at the end.

I have downloaded your blend file and when I export it as html file I missed the rotation. I then changed it from Euler Rotation to Quaternion Rotation and it worked. Strange - because your online example also worked…
Maybe I am missing some preference settings so that Euler Rotation is not exporting (my Blender Version : 2.72).

Just wanted to mention in case that others got the same problem.

I found all the examples in the SDK - Thank you for remembering. Best way to learn, except to this great support here.

Kind Regards,


12 November 2014 11:40
Hi Pavel,

Thank you for the help. Parenting works now.
And I have bookmarked your error documentation.
I send you an email with the example where i ran into the problem with the changing animation center.


11 November 2014 16:36

First thanks for your great addon. I just started to work with it (and blender) so may be my question is trivial.

I am working through some tutorials and had an error Exporting with the blend4web json Export:

Blend4web: Export error
Error: Object-parent relation is not supported
Clear the parent's inverse transform

1 Question: Is Object-parent relation not supported?

My Problem is that in Blender, aniamtion xyz coordinates are relative to the objects center (using the Graph editor -> Properties -> Active Keyframe) - but in the HTML enviorment starting the animation the object jumps to the scenes coordinates.

2 Question: I would like to keep the animation relative to the objects center in the html view. how do I achieve this?

Thank you for taking a look,
