
由用户创建的信息 isabatell
26 November 2015 13:20
Thanks for your reply, The example works perfectly but we need to set the texture in runtime because we don't know how many texture may will have.

For example, we have a sofa and we want to change the fabric with a 3d configurator and we have 3 kind of leathers and we want to add a textil texture, with your example we need to open this material and we need to add in the node the new texture.

For us the best solution could be to set the values of the node material (rgb, tile, etc..) and the name of the textures in runtime through the api and with one material node we will have all the fabrics of our database.

Kind regards,
26 November 2015 11:35
I'm creating a node material and with set_nodemat_value and set_nodemat_rgb we have almost the 80 % of the runtime material creation but the main issue on this task is if I can change the texture of the material dinamically.

Is there any way to change the texture / normalmap or the path to another .png/.jpg in runtime?

25 November 2015 19:18
The problem was that we are using numbers for the material names, in batch.js in the find_batch_material function it seems that array.indexOf fails with numbers.

We changed this numbers to letters and works fine, thanks for the advise.

Kind regards
24 November 2015 19:58
Is there any way to export my node materials to a .json and in runtime assign this material to any part of my object?

I'm using inherit_material and right now when I'm loading this .json with the material I have the error "Wrong objects for inheriting material!", it seems that I can't use this function with node materials.

I read in other post that people with the same problem and they're using a beta in order to access to material library, can I access to this beta?

24 November 2015 13:02
We are working on a 3d configurator and we need someone who can help us with the creation of common used materials ( leather, patent, etc…)

Right now we are working on 3d max / Unity and we are completely lost when we want to reproduce our materials, of course we want to pay this training session….

Please, send us a private mail if you want to collaborate with us to isabatell@alugroup.es

Kind regards.