
由用户创建的信息 brettkromkamp
15 November 2016 20:52
Hey Will,

Thanks for your answer. I've also checked out your Blend4Web videos on YouTube… I've learnt some new stuff, already :)


11 November 2016 11:17
In the latest release notes it is stated that "support for new WebVR API 1.0 has been added to the engine". Does that mean that it is possible to view/interact with Blend4Web "content" in any browser that has support for WebVR (https://iswebvrready.org/) with a connected HMD?

Is it possible to provide an overview of "everything VR" within the context of Blend4Web? Currently, from my point-of-view, Blend4Web's VR "story" (i.e., existing capabilities, road map, etc) is a bit unclear.

Thanks in advance,

07 November 2016 11:22
Okay. Thanks for letting me know :)

05 November 2016 14:04
I've solved this by doing it the other way around: having the symlinks in my code directory point to the relevant project directories in the "apps_dev" directory.

05 November 2016 12:11

I'm reorganizing my code repositories and for my particular situation it makes sense to have all of my code repositories in one (source) top-level directory and have symlinks in Blend4Web's "apps_dev" directory pointing to the relevant repos/directories in said top-level directory. Nonetheless, this doesn't seem to work in the Project Manager. That is, the sym-linked projects/directories do not display in the Project Manager. Is there any way around this?

Thanks in advance,

31 October 2016 11:50
Thanks Konstantin! I'm already using the new mist-related API in my application and it's working perfectly :)

Thanks for your help in this matter.


17 October 2016 20:54
That worked! Thanks Ivan.


16 October 2016 12:22

This is more a JavaScript issue than a Blend4Web API issue. Nonetheless, it's something I'm struggling with so if anyone can provide some insight that would be great :)

The problem: I'm dynamically loading (child) scenes into a (parent) scene using the m_data.load function (https://www.blend4web.com/api_doc/module-data.html#.load). This function includes an optional callback function (loaded_cb) to be executed right after load. I need to pass an additional parameter to this loaded_cb callback function.

My understanding is that this (in JavaScript) is normally accomplished with either a closure or with "bind" (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind). I have tried both approaches but I'm just not getting it right.

I've searched on Stack Overflow for possible solutions and these are the kind of suggestions that come up:
1 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5997296/add-additional-parameters-to-callback-function
2 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30784280/how-to-add-extra-parameters-to-a-function-callback?rq=1

So, I get a list of (child) scenes to load into the (parent) scene from a web service. I loop over the list, get the reference to the resource path, load it, and then (in theory) position it accordingly (the position information is also retrieved from the web service for each child scene). It is this "position" information that I need to pass to the loaded_cb callback function (code snippet, below):

// Load and position props (including rotation and scaling).
var props = sceneDefinition.scene.entities.props;
props.forEach(function(prop) {
    position = JSON.parse(prop.location);
    m_data.load(APP_ASSETS_PATH + getEntityScene(prop), entityLoaded, preloader_cb, true, true);

In my case, the "entityLoaded" function is the (cb_loaded) callback that I need to be passing in the position parameter. Currently, I am using a global (position), which works if there is only one child scene, but with more child scenes, the "position" variable is not appropriately updated for each iteration in the loop when eventually the callback is executed. So, I need to "lock" the position parameter to the appropriate execution context of the callback.

If anyone can help with this matter it will be greatly appreciated :)

12 October 2016 19:00
Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for your very swift reply (including the Blend file with environment animation). Great news to hear that the mist functions will be added to the API.

Also, I would just like to say that the Blend4Web customer support is superb. Thanks for a great product and the accompanying support! It's a pleasure using your product.

12 October 2016 18:38
Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for your reply.

Are you aware of any tutorial covering the animating of parameters. I don't see any on the Blend4Web website. Also, just to confirm: are you saying that the necessary functions to programmatically interact with mist will be added to the API in the Blend4Web 16.10 release? If yes, that would be fantastic :)

