
Сообщения, созданные пользователем martial
20 июля 2016 11:23

here it is.
19 июля 2016 16:00
Hi, thanks again for this powerfull SKD

I have an object with several faces and 2 materials. I assign first material to a specific face, and other material to another face

Now i try to change diffuse intensity, or emit factor for one material, but it seems to apply on both

var monObjet=m_scenes.get_object_by_name("coffre");

But emit is applied on both material (latest SDK version patched)
08 июля 2016 16:51
any new info for flat shading implmentation ?

08 июля 2016 08:51
like always, work like a charm…
06 июля 2016 17:51
here it is… forgot it sry
06 июля 2016 17:18

I Work on a simple project, but got very strange color and light problem on basic scene.
Need help to find why it's black on one side and not on other

19 мая 2016 09:10
+1 for KokPok
18 мая 2016 15:59
Maybe a light? There is no light on your scene :)
18 мая 2016 09:30

You need to look the debug info, you have here lot of juicy info :
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cylinder", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cube", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: non-uniform scale for object Cube
B4W EXPORT WARNING: Missing active camera or wrong active camera object

Quick Way :
1 -Press A to select all objetcs, clic "Object - Apply - Rotation and Scale"
2 - Maj + A - Camera

17 мая 2016 09:11
Windows 10
AMD Radeon 6450
Pilote ATI 15.201.1151.1008-151104a-296217E