Сообщения, созданные пользователем martial
19 июля 2016 16:00
Hi, thanks again for this powerfull SKD
I have an object with several faces and 2 materials. I assign first material to a specific face, and other material to another face
Now i try to change diffuse intensity, or emit factor for one material, but it seems to apply on both
But emit is applied on both material (latest SDK version patched)
I have an object with several faces and 2 materials. I assign first material to a specific face, and other material to another face
Now i try to change diffuse intensity, or emit factor for one material, but it seems to apply on both
var monObjet=m_scenes.get_object_by_name("coffre");
But emit is applied on both material (latest SDK version patched)
06 июля 2016 17:18
18 мая 2016 09:30
You need to look the debug info, you have here lot of juicy info :
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cylinder", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cube", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: non-uniform scale for object Cube
B4W EXPORT WARNING: Missing active camera or wrong active camera object
Quick Way :
1 -Press A to select all objetcs, clic "Object - Apply - Rotation and Scale"
2 - Maj + A - Camera
You need to look the debug info, you have here lot of juicy info :
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cylinder", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: negative scale for object "Cube", can lead to some errors
B4W WARN: non-uniform scale for object Cube
B4W EXPORT WARNING: Missing active camera or wrong active camera object
Quick Way :
1 -Press A to select all objetcs, clic "Object - Apply - Rotation and Scale"
2 - Maj + A - Camera
17 мая 2016 09:11