
Сообщения, созданные пользователем Rollo-s_Son
05 декабря 2014 15:24
The output is similar to what I did in my sample html file. I want to know if this can be done with a sphere instead of a flat circle . To put it another way, I want to expand waves out from a center point in three dimensions rather than two.

I could get a similar effect to what I want by combining the "chasing lights" animated material with a set of different sized spheres, one inside the next, but this would make for many meshes and a large file, which I wish to avoid.,
05 декабря 2014 14:46
Bryce volumetric material simulating nested spheres:

05 декабря 2014 13:12
I am just an endless supply of questions

Is there a way to create the linked effect with nested spheres instead of circles? Can it be done through a material (perhaps using the particle system - totally new to me so I'm not sure if it's capable of doing what I see in my mind)? My first real exposure to 3D was a program called Bryce, and I was able to do something similar with what was called volumetric material (though I never tried animating it). I hope that helps.

05 декабря 2014 01:52
Thanks! I've forwarded your response. My colleague will be redoing her question for greater clarity. She says she needs an easier example than the balloon tutorial to follow.
05 декабря 2014 01:44
Is there a way to set scene objects so that they maintain the same orientation relative to the camera as the view is rotated in the engine?
03 декабря 2014 07:57
I'm asking this on behalf of a person I work with, so I apologize for any lack of clarity, or any mistakes I make in conveying what she means, in advance.

Are there any plans to expand on the export options? Perhaps three.js? My colleague would appreciate something in a "rawer" form that would be easier to combine with code. She wants to just be able to use the output with transparency for a custom background. The balloon tutorial works a bit like what she has in mind, but something about the coding is a roadblock to what she wants to do.
20 ноября 2014 10:38
After some tinkering, I realized the same thing. Didn't know WebGL was so particular. Thanks much!
20 ноября 2014 08:41
On the left is my test model, which looks as I want. On the right is the exported result. I'm hoping the appearance of the export will better explain what my problem is, and hopefully indicate what setting I've missed or done wrong.

20 ноября 2014 08:16
I think this is another case of a "hidden" setting. I tried duplicating what you did here, and got the texture 'mapped' to the center of my object, with 'stripes' extending out from the sides as before. When I appended your material and applied it to my model, this effect went away.

I scrolled up and down in various panels to see if I could find the difference, but no luck.
19 ноября 2014 08:16
If this belongs in a different section, please move.

I would like to know how to "resize" the output of Blend4Web so that it can be made an element of a webpage rather than the entire page. Does this involve coding? Thanks.