
User posts Yuri Kovelenov
12 May 2015 11:13
Интерактивная визуализация жизненно важных органов диких животных - лося, кабана и оленя. Светлое пятно показывает предпочтительную зону поражения в зависимости от угла обзора. Автор - норвежский 3D разработчик Кристиан Стенсонс.

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Также имеется приложение для Андроид.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
09 May 2015 17:30
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 May 2015 16:21

I've set both objects origins to the same position but It doesn't seem to be working with my current rig. I just have rigged it again with the origins already set at the same position (before making the poses) and it seems to be working now. Any chances of fixing that for my current rigs without needing to re-rig again?

This issue has been fixed in 15.04
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 May 2015 16:18
This issue has been resolved in 15.04
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 May 2015 16:13
We believe this issue has been resolved in 15.04.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 May 2015 10:25
Interactive models intended for an online window customizer by Petr Levendeev
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
08 May 2015 10:21
Интерактивные модели на сайте 3D художника и энтузиаста Blender'а Петра Левендеева
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
07 May 2015 21:57

Ответ на сообщение пользователя trepaning
I have an issue on my 65" LG passive 3d tv, so you should pick one of those up and let me know when you can test with it.
Actually we have already got such, so go ahead
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
07 May 2015 19:20
Found a tutorial

Since Blend4Web uses glMatrix too, most of this tutorial should be valid for our engine.
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
07 May 2015 14:28
We have just bought an Acer touchscreen laptop and yes, we have managed to reproduce this issue. Now looking into…
The Founder | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin