User posts Yuri Kovelenov
11 December 2014 17:40
11 December 2014 10:16
11 December 2014 10:14
11 December 2014 10:14
11 December 2014 10:07
Frustum culling? Try to disable it under the object settings panel. Or override the bounding box of the mesh like in this example.
10 December 2014 21:22
10 December 2014 21:18
10 December 2014 21:02
10 December 2014 21:00
Ответ на сообщение пользователя trepaningConsider to use 2 animated Value nodes at once - one of them might be looped for infinite flashing, while another might be controlled by NLA Script, for lowering the flash intensity to 0 and increasing back to 1 upon mouse clicks.
How can a selected animation be made to loop? as it is, SELECT AND PLAY only achieves one loop, but it is not cyclic. As an example, making a light sequence flash using VALUE animations, and when a button is pressed, a different animated loop happens, replacing the first, and back again when the button is again clicked (or another button is fine also).
10 December 2014 15:20