
User posts selvaraj
01 September 2016 08:03
Hi Yuri Kovelenov,

sorry i was busy ,

Now i can understand serialize and de-serialize of param.
But i can not understand what are the param to be save for save the hole scene.
Pls help me,..
26 August 2016 04:17
Hi Yuri Kovelenov

In Shoe Customizer web page contain save design option.
But i can not understand how its work?
pls give any idea to save design or download and load it again.
26 August 2016 04:12
Hi Yuri Kovelenov

I can not understand the way of save the hole scene including object,material after reference of viewer app sources.
But one think understand.In storage we can able to store and get string only.
I want the method like Three.js exporter in blend4web.
Is possible to save and load again functionality in blend4web?
Pls help to acheive this.
25 August 2016 10:27
Hi Roman Sementsov,

sorry i was busy.
I don't know how to save modification performed in the scene in to browser local storage.
(I want code for save the scene to local storage)
pls give any sample
10 August 2016 04:42
Hi roman,

Thanks for reply,
After modification performed on the web page,i want to save my design
Is it possible to export file or overwrite the .json file through API
Pls give any idea to implement.

Thanks in advance

09 August 2016 11:29
Hi Yuri Kovelenov,

Thanks for your help.
Now i have the problem with the following camera controls
zoom in,zoom out like mouse scroll operation and reset the camera angle to the starting stage of the scene.
is it pssible to acheive the solution through API?…

pls give any idea.
Thanks in advance.
08 August 2016 03:50
Hi Yuri Kovelenov,

Thanks for reply,
I looked through the code snippet suggested by Roman.
Now i can created the custom annotations[Anchor type:Custom Element] and i can able to update title.But i can not clearly understand how to create and update anchor description at the same time sample snippet also have title only.can you provide some example for description creation and update.

pls help me,.
07 August 2016 11:20
thanks for reply

i have the edit link inside the annotation.
If the user click the edit link then it goes to the edit page.From that page user can able to update the selected annotation title and description.
So i need API to update annotation's title and description or any way to update JSON object value during running the apps.

pls help,..
05 August 2016 08:29
I want to update the Annotation's title,description using API.
pls help me,
Thanks in advance
05 August 2016 02:30
Thank you for reply,

It really works[Enable the Force Dynamic Object property]