User posts martial
15 December 2016 09:52
05 December 2016 10:11
01 December 2016 11:09
30 November 2016 18:24
It's very simple.
On your html page, just add a button
And with the method of your choice you have to catch the click and do action
Javascript in main blend4web function
It's very simple.
On your html page, just add a button
And with the method of your choice you have to catch the click and do action
Javascript in main blend4web function
function changeColor(){
m_mat.set_diffuse_color('objectName', 'materialName',0.047,0.047,0.047);
<p id="dfgdgdfgdf" onclick="changeColor()">Click to change color.</p>
<div id="main_canvas_container"></div>
16 November 2016 19:02