
User posts jeanpierre3d
27 March 2017 12:12
ok i use it
so maybe several callback for differents frames, finish_callback frame 1,finish_callback frame 12,……., slot_num);
19 March 2017 13:00
and now in add object constraint
follow path is not suppoted
copy location is not supported

i reinstalled everything but get the same probleme i can t use no object constrainte i get
…… constraint is not supported and this for all the constrainte
19 March 2017 12:36
ok it is just a simple cube over a plan
yesterday i got bad render in edge and chrome but perfect in firefox so i decided to reinstall everything
today i reinstall blender and blende4web so now the probleme is also in firefox
that is this horrible render?

how can i fix this problem because i did'nt previously
something i trick in blender?????
17 March 2017 11:22
there is, finish_callbackopt, slot_numopt)

like, finish_callbackopt, animName)
13 March 2017 11:07
hello just do an alpha control
i use node material with a value controling the alpha in extinded material
with a script
m_mat.set_nodemat_value(myObject, ["Texture.myObject.001", "Value.myObject.alpha"],1);

and i check transparenty in the material tab and choose alpha blending or alpha sort

it may help you
06 March 2017 22:43
ok it works now
06 March 2017 11:01
i don t use the project manager
but i have solve the probleme using only mp3 sound on caniuse it say that it s compatible with all navigator

now i am working on bakingvertexanimation
i want to move an object along and at the same time the object take the shape of the path
i use curve modifier but to move the object i have to change its X or Y or Z coordonate so when i back move along this axe and not along the path only
but i have notice that if i move the origine of the path unlike moving my object it does the good think but i have to create a python script which move the path origine and create keyframe on the time line and bakevertex this
i have also see this but it s a little more complex but i will try to work on too
27 February 2017 19:48
i use ogg format but il will take m4a
i export json format
26 February 2017 12:14
ok i have change
but problem it works on firefox and chrome but not in edge

B4W ERROR: empty responce when trying to get sounds/hohoho.altconv.m4a?t=23122016141733
22 February 2017 20:07
yes the blend file 55 Mo
the animation is on the Text.joyeuxnoel on calque 6
you can see that the z coordinate is not respected compare to playing in blender
if i put 3 keyframe ( x,y,z) it plays well