
User posts Maus
20 February 2018 18:21
19 February 2018 20:28
Hi Alexander,

Works perfekt now.
Error is gone!

So much Thanks for your quick response.
19 February 2018 14:13
Hi there,
My ipad will freeze when trying to callup my project.

I tried to call the supplied cartoon demo from my server with the same problem.
If freezes at 71%.

I debugged my ipad and get errors relating to uranium.js. Could you have a look into the messages, if it either can be reproduced or you can make something out of it?

Our app freezes out here:
11 May 2017 12:48
11 May 2017 12:25
Im looking for a simple way to inquire if an object is hidden or visible. Initially, obects can be hidden by setting the hidden flag in blender. Can i inquire the visibility state of objects with a API function?