
User posts ChrisM
09 May 2020 15:13

I used the code snippet from the first page of this thread and works fine, but…
when the camera is at final position, the animation of my object stops…

Please help
Thank you in advance
09 May 2020 15:11 [ON MODERATION]
09 May 2020 14:37

I have animated object that loops and i just changed the camera position.
When i move the camera with the script snippet from the first page of this thread, it works.
But when the camera comes to the final position my animation stops…

Please help…

Thank you in advance :)
09 May 2020 14:37 [ON MODERATION]

I have animated object that loops and i just changed the camera position.
When i move the camera with the script snippet from the first page of this thread, it works.
But when the camera comes to the final position my animation stops…

Please help…

Thank you in advance :)
09 May 2020 13:28 [ON MODERATION]

I have animated object that loops and i just changed the camera position.
When i move the camera with the script snippet from the first page of this thread, it works.
But when the camera comes to the final position my animation stops…

Please help…

Thank you in advance :)
09 May 2020 13:27 [ON MODERATION]

I have animated object that loops and i just changed the camera position.
When i move the camera with the script snippet from the first page of this thread, it works.
But when the camera comes to the final position my animation stops…

Please help…

Thank you in advance :)
09 May 2020 13:27 [ON MODERATION]

I have animated object that loops and i just changed the camera position.
When i move the camera with the script snippet from the first page of this thread, it works.
But when the camera comes to the final position my animation stops…

Please help…

Thank you in advance :)
08 May 2020 21:40 [ON MODERATION]
Hello, there :)
Proper explaination Thanks for everything i read.
But I have the problem it says "m_scenes is not defined" … Is there any file missing or what does it mean ?

This is the code i copied from the first page of this thread


// place your code here
var move_camera_element = document.getElementById("layer_1_move");
var cam_obj = m_scenes.get_active_camera();
var cam_move_cb = function() {
var pivot_point = new Float32Array(3);
var pivot_pos_obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("campos1");
m_trans.get_translation(pivot_pos_obj, pivot_point);
m_cam.target_setup(cam_obj, {pivot:pivot_point});
move_camera_element.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var final_pos_obj = m_scenes.get_object_by_name("welcomeCollective");
m_cam_anim.move_camera_to_point(cam_obj, final_pos_obj, 1.0, 0.5, cam_move_cb);
}, false);


Thanks in advance <3