
Most Recent Updates
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Animated Alpha Fade-In
Chris_Clawson 4 3805 Chris_Clawson
Control exported file size
Tony Teveris 5 3712 Tony Teveris
Search facility
Visualizer 3 3184 Visualizer
Interface CTRL
laishi 2 2806 Kirill Osipov
Animated child not moving
fba 3 2694 fba
Helping to sell ultrasonic scanners
Yuri Kovelenov 1 2090 Yuri Kovelenov
Blender Italia
Yuri Kovelenov 2 2342 Yuri Kovelenov
texture attribution bug with linked objects
elbriga 5 3192 elbriga
frame range for animation bakes
trepaning 4 3491 Yuri Kovelenov
Blend4Web 15.05 Release Candidate
Alexander Kovelenov 1 1893 Alexander Kovelenov
Annotation issue
trepaning 21 11248 trepaning
Blend4Web 15.05 Developer Preview
Alexander Kovelenov 1 1770 Alexander Kovelenov
Animated child object
elbriga 3 2010 elbriga
Tracing for chrome bug report
Roman Sementsov 1 6493 Roman Sementsov
Scanned Lego exhibition models
Yuri Kovelenov 1 2132 Yuri Kovelenov
3D LED Cube 8x8x8
Yuri Kovelenov 1 5076 Yuri Kovelenov
Warning depth-only
pakirrote 6 3237 Roman Sementsov
Interactive Logo Design
Yuri Kovelenov 1 2234 Yuri Kovelenov
Industrial Design
Yuri Kovelenov 1 2221 Yuri Kovelenov
Issues with Touchscreen Laptops
Ryan Uttech 7 4938 Kirill Osipov