im not sure what else to do...request
16 February 2018 05:31
Im so frustrated with the transform object and Alexander, you are so helpful to everyone over here. You stand by your product and im so excited with blender 4 web. Its the best thing ever invented…
I hit a dead end with the transform object node. Im attaching a sample file with the issue in question. When clicking on plane 3 and or plane 4,(they are suppose to go up or down on every click) the sphere jumps and thats when starts to work. I used local as well it doesnt work.
Im not sure what else to do here because i dont have knowledge enough to apply the patch and build blender back up….so I was wondering if you have a blender version with this patch applied already. With this fixed, I can move on. ..otherwise im not sure what i will do. the viewer need to be able to accurate position the objects clicking in my case, because its more accurate.
My coding skills are next to poor still. Ive done a lot, though, thanks to you. But getting the patch in, and rebuilding blender is far out of my league. Maybe im asking too much from you, but i dont really know what else to do here. You are probably tired of me..sorry..
I hit a dead end with the transform object node. Im attaching a sample file with the issue in question. When clicking on plane 3 and or plane 4,(they are suppose to go up or down on every click) the sphere jumps and thats when starts to work. I used local as well it doesnt work.
Im not sure what else to do here because i dont have knowledge enough to apply the patch and build blender back up….so I was wondering if you have a blender version with this patch applied already. With this fixed, I can move on. ..otherwise im not sure what i will do. the viewer need to be able to accurate position the objects clicking in my case, because its more accurate.
My coding skills are next to poor still. Ive done a lot, though, thanks to you. But getting the patch in, and rebuilding blender is far out of my league. Maybe im asking too much from you, but i dont really know what else to do here. You are probably tired of me..sorry..
16 February 2018 20:02
Im not sure what else to do here because i dont have knowledge enough to apply the patch and build blender back up….so I was wondering if you have a blender version with this patch applied already.
That patch was not for blender it was for blend4web. If you are using SDK you can apply this changes on the sources which you can find in path_to_sdk/src. Anyway In you logic node configuration you will not have the issue which I've described recently.
I've attached the solution for you.
Green frame is fully working in Blend4Web 17.12.
Your main mistake caused by the fact that when you are calling the "Transform Object" node, you are setting all listed parameters x, y, z, rotation, scale. That's why your sphere teleported. By the way for smooth transition use the duration parameter.
Remove all nodes in purple frame if you have not applied the patch.
The solution in purple frame uses functions, so you can call such functions just by passing required parameters.
Alexander (Blend4Web Team)
17 February 2018 05:09