
Cylinder following a Spiral nurb path

06 September 2017 15:02
So I'm trying to get a cylinder along a spiral nurb path.
But in the proces it deforms it and it isn't following the path at all.
What am I doing wrong?

Spiral nurbspath.blend

I've also tried it with the screw modifier, but I can't get the spiral transformed to a path..
06 September 2017 15:43
So I'm trying to get a cylinder along a spiral nurb path.
But in the proces it deforms it and it isn't following the path at all.
What am I doing wrong?

Spiral nurbspath.blend

I've also tried it with the screw modifier, but I can't get the spiral transformed to a path..
Object and spiral must have an origin at the same coordinates. I've modified your blend file for the right result.
Blend4web and that kind of thing.
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