stoping aniamtion with JS
18 March 2016 11:54
i remember you once told me that the node tree coudn't call JS function ans JS functions coudn't influence node tree.
But i wonder if i start an animation with the node tree can i stop it by calling a JS function?
I wouldn't be modifying the node tree behavior. I was thinking of looping a animation with the don't wait option. But to stop it within the node tree is going to be hell.
So could a stop animation be called from my JS file? Does it sound OK?
Best regards,
i remember you once told me that the node tree coudn't call JS function ans JS functions coudn't influence node tree.
But i wonder if i start an animation with the node tree can i stop it by calling a JS function?
I wouldn't be modifying the node tree behavior. I was thinking of looping a animation with the don't wait option. But to stop it within the node tree is going to be hell.
So could a stop animation be called from my JS file? Does it sound OK?
Best regards,
18 March 2016 12:40
But i wonder if i start an animation with the node tree can i stop it by calling a JS function?Hi!
I wouldn't be modifying the node tree behavior. I was thinking of looping a animation with the don't wait option. But to stop it within the node tree is going to be hell.
So could a stop animation be called from my JS file? Does it sound OK?
As far as i can see it should work
18 March 2016 13:05
18 March 2016 13:10
28 April 2016 11:18
i remember you once told me that the node tree coudn't call JS function ans JS functions coudn't influence node tree.
But i wonder if i start an animation with the node tree can i stop it by calling a JS function?
I wouldn't be modifying the node tree behavior. I was thinking of looping a animation with the don't wait option. But to stop it within the node tree is going to be hell.
So could a stop animation be called from my JS file? Does it sound OK?
There are some new features for integrating Logic Nodes into JS code in our latest B4W Release 16.04. I suppose they may be interesting for you