
Anchor/Annotation working with object

27 February 2016 22:12
Currently an anchor works only with Empty object.
I wish it would work with Mesh objects too. In this case the Object Origin point would be an actual place for an anchor.

There was a thread about rollover functionality before. It would be cool if rolling over an object would open anchor.
29 February 2016 12:35
I assume, this kind of functionality is needed only for convenience. Right?
Actually, you can just make an empty object a child of the required mesh-object and it will function in the same way you have described.

As of rollover. If I understood correctly, you need something like object-hovering triggering. This can be achieved with a pick_object function. Or with ray testing like in this demo.

But anyway, we'll think of such functions. They can really make scene preparations easier.
11 March 2016 10:41
Convenience right.
One more thing about annotation. People want opened annotations to be on top always.
Or at least closed annotation should not cover opened annotation even if it is actually hereinbefore in 3D space.
Is it doable?
11 March 2016 10:59
One more thing about annotation. People want opened annotations to be on top always.
That's a nice suggestion. We've added this to our TODO list.
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