Accelerate the browser loads the JSON file method
05 December 2014 08:02
05 December 2014 10:14
Indeed compressing the json and bin files can greatly decrease their size. Luckily browsers do this automatically. All you need is to enable gzip mode on the server side.
E.g. for the Nginx webserver it could be as follows:
Please read this for setting up the Apache webserver.
Indeed compressing the json and bin files can greatly decrease their size. Luckily browsers do this automatically. All you need is to enable gzip mode on the server side.
E.g. for the Nginx webserver it could be as follows:
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/javascript application/octet-stream;
Please read this for setting up the Apache webserver.