
Bug Reports

Topic Author Posts Views Last Post
Microsoft Edge browser crash
drewpotter 8 4925 Yuri Kovelenov
Error report on Huawei p8 lite
ez2rfc 3 3506 ez2rfc
SDK with Blender 2.75a Internal Server Error 500
rebit 27 15543 Wintch
It stuck on 46% and not load(Fast Preview and other example files on 16.2.0)
ez2rfc 2 3408 Yuri Kovelenov
16.02 link inside annotation does not open web page
Nils Austa 4 3748 Dmitry
Falsely reporting(?): "Wrong F-Curve Interpolation Mode"
Mentalist 3 3270 Mentalist
Problem with project manager
caracteriel 2 2289 Alexander Kovelenov
I try to export mesh object to json to display on webview, put the object scale seem to failed
minhplhl 5 4162 minhplhl
Incorrect Colors/Materials in HTML Export
shazoom 2 3297 Pavel Kotov
canvas resolution factor(may be..) is not working on safari
ez2rfc 2 3549 Alexander Kovelenov
Intermittent response from objects when page goes live
Cluetrekk 2 2911 Evgeny Rodygin
Transparent object and problems with their selection
Luigi Verri 3 3013 Luigi Verri
WebGL errors
marshallus 5 3346 Yuri Kovelenov
Artefact on a simple scene
marshallus 4 3030 Yuri Kovelenov
ERROR: NONE isn't supported
Danny Austin 11 7269 Danny Austin
Scene stops loading in Fast Viewer...stuck at 97%
Cluetrekk 6 4452 Konstantin Khomyakov
no physics supported in html export
sunnix 3 3079 sunnix
Zero Dimension with JSON loading
trepaning 3 3783 trepaning
Move camera nodes ignoring duration settings
plasmaart 3 2393 Alexander Romanov
Firefox crashes when blend4web apps are displayed
ToshiCG 8 5116 Alexander Kovelenov
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