Some time ago Nicolas Charmel created a portfolio using Blend4Web. Recently, a decent amount of the scenes were updated using latest Blend4Web features. So, we are happy to share them in our gallery! Almost all the scenes are interactive, beautifully done, with perfect attention to details, still keeping simplicity. Needless to say, all interactive features were done without any coding, thanks to the Web Player and the Logic Editor! Try it for yourself!
Direct links to some scenes:
Gramophone, Toy Gun, Violin, Cognac L'Essence de Courvoisier, Retro Auto, Piano, Camera
And a small interview with the author:
I am a French freelancer. I started to work with Blender around 2001, with the 2.27 version, and I've been working professionally since 2007. I have made some great stereoscopic videos for several purposes, I have rendered a lot of architectural pictures for construction people, archis and interior designers, and I am working with interactive 3D for websites and also for augmented reality providers. Besides, I play the violin in a local orchestra and I love it.